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August 23, 2022

Immigration and Migration
Is Western Policy on Migration Holding Africa Back?

More than a generous immigration policy, Africa desperately needs help holding on to its precious human capital.

People walk past medical workers as they sit outside a hospital during a strike.

April 8, 2020

Behind China's Influence in Africa

From trade to film, China's influence in Africa is nearly everywhere. Why—and at what cost?


December 1, 2022

South Africa
A Fresh Start Eludes South Africa

The South African President tried to focus his country on the future, but the past–including his own–continues to intrude.

Sitting on an orange chair, beside a table with several stacks of paper covered in green film, South Africa's former Chief Justice awaits the handing over of the report on the Phala Phala scandal in Cape Town, South Africa.

September 8, 2021

Coups are Back in West Africa

The coup in Guinea deposed Alpha Conde, who had been elected in less-than-credible elections.

Several men in military uniform ride in the back of a military pickup through the streets. Supporters line the streets with their arms outstretched.

February 12, 2020

The Potential for the Coronavirus in Africa

In Africa, observers are acutely aware of how ill-prepared most countries are for responding to a major pandemic. With more than a billion people undergoing rapid urbanization, weak healthcare systems, and growing economic ties with China, Africa would appear to be highly vulnerable to the spread of the coronavirus.

A female health worker in a white shirt, medical gloves, and a blue mask, uses an infrared thermometer to check the temperature of a young, male traveller who  as part of the coronavirus screening procedure at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra, Ghana, on January 30, 2020. Behind them are other passengers and health workers and a yellow "Economy" sign.