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November 14, 2022

Progress Towards Peace for Ethiopia’s Tigray Conflict

While the Nairobi agreement offers hope for a resolution to Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict, uncertainties remain, and the damage done will reshape U.S.-Ethiopia relations.

In front of a bright green background, Field Marshal of the Ethiopian National Defense Force and Chief of General Staff of Ethiopia Birhanu Jula and the Commander-in-Chief of the Tigray forces Tadesse Werede Tesfay, shake hands as they exchange documents after the signing of the implementation of the cessation of hostilities agreement.

November 23, 2021

Ethiopia: External Leverage to Stop Conflict in Short Supply

When U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken traveled to Kenya, Nigeria, and Senegal last week, he made a point of emphasizing U.S. concern about Ethiopia’s conflict. Blinken stressed that “it is imperative that the fighting stops” and that the United States fully supports former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, the High Representative for the Horn of Africa for the African Union (AU), in his diplomatic efforts to broker a ceasefire that leads to political negotiations. Monday’s statement from Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed promising to personally “mobilize to the front to lead the defense forces” suggests those efforts are far from succeeding.

A protester holds a sign reading "#NoMore TPLF STOP U.S. Meddling" amid a group of protesters holding Ethiopian flags.

February 23, 2022

Ethiopia's Crises Are Not Yet in the Past

When the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) began generating electricity a few days ago, it marked a triumphant moment for a troubled country. Paired with the images of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s engagements at the recent AU and European Union-Africa Summits, in which he advocated for a stronger African voice in international decision-making, and the news that the Ethiopian parliament voted to lift the state of emergency that had been imposed late last year, the latest developments can seem like a return to form for Ethiopia and its relations with the rest of the world.

A group of individuals—some seated in the foreground, some standing further in the background—gather for a ceremony.

June 18, 2019

U.S. Should Acknowledge Critical Challenges for Ethiopia’s Transition

Anyone fishing for a good news story out of Africa recently has, rightly, celebrated Ethiopia, where dynamic young Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has dramatically opened political space, departing from decades or repressive, tightly controlled government. But Ethiopia faces real and urgent challenges, and it is critical that well-wishers not ignore them. Abiy has lifted the lid off of a pressure cooker—one his predecessors held in place with sometimes brutal force—and in some cases the result has not been euphoria, but rather messy, complex eruptions of communal violence.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed sits at a desk in parliament and responds to questions

December 23, 2020

Elections and Voting
Ten Elections to Watch in 2021

Numerous countries will hold elections in 2021. Here are ten to watch. 

Myanmar voter