826 Results for:

May 23, 2014

Egypt After the Election

Egyptians will vote for president on May 26–27 in an election whose outcome is considered a foregone conclusion. Four experts weigh the state of Egyptian politics more than three years after the upri…

January 29, 2016

This Week in Markets and Democracy: Egypt’s Backsliding, UK Transparency Setbacks, New Global Rankings

United States Undeterred by Egypt’s Democratic Backsliding Five years after its revolution, Egypt is no closer to democracy. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s government routinely arrests political a…

Members of security forces keep watch in Tahrir Square before the fifth anniversary of the January 25 uprising, in Cairo, Egypt, January 24, 2016 (Reuters/Mohamed Abd El Ghany).

January 23, 2018

Egypt's Putinesque Election

With an election looming, the incumbent president arrests and disqualifies all possible opponents, one after another. Vladimir Putin? Yes, as we see in his treatment of Alexei Navalny. (The BBC tells…

May 27, 2014

Egypt After The Election

Below is a CFR Expert Roundup piece on Egypt’s elections, with contributions from Issandr El Amrani, Charles W. Dunne, Michael Hanna, and me.  The original article can be found here.  Steven A. Co…


June 23, 2015

Washington’s Egypt Dilemma

Two years since the Egyptian military deposed President Mohammed Morsi, human rights abuses are being committed at an unprecedented level, but the United States remains deeply invested in maintaining…