• Iraq
    Iraq’s Press: A Status Report
    Kidnappings and deaths among the corps of international journalists covering the Iraq war occur with grim regularity. Yet the conditions facing native Iraqi journalists—both those working for Iraqi media and as "stringers" for outside organizations—are even more harrowing.
  • Media
    Correspondence: An International Review of Culture and Society
    In reading the major cultural periodicals, we are seeking to report significant or interesting developments in the various countries. In many instances, these are synopses of articles. In other instances, these are syntheses of reports on publishing, education, and the like. Our primary audience is the leading periodicals that have signalled their cooperation, as well as others to whom this newsletter will be sent. We would hope that these periodicals might pick up any of the stories that interest the editors, and reprint them. In other instances, a synopsis or story might prompt an editor to use the entire article, and in those cases he or she would have to obtain the permission of the original source. Otherwise, any material in this newsletter can be freely used, with attribution to the original periodical. And we welcome and encourage editors of cooperating periodicals to send us suggestions or call our attention to articles they deem important. It is in this fashion that we seek to build a common intellectual terrain.