Middle East and North Africa

  • Global Governance
    CFR Term Member Spotlight Series: Hagar Hajjar Chemali
    Our new series spotlights individuals within the Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program. Drawing on the enormous amount of talent and expertise within the Council’s Term Member Program, this series features a term member in conversation with a fellow term member discussing their career path, how they got to where they are, the challenges they have faced along the way, and the current work they are doing. We hope this regular series will provide an opportunity for Council term members to better engage and learn from one another, draw upon shared experiences within the group, and connect across geographies. Our second installment in this series features fifth-year term member Hagar Chemali, CEO and founder of Greenwich Media Strategies, in conversation with second-year term member Brit McCandless Farmer, digital producer at 60 Minutes. For those of you who do not know her yet, Hagar's impressive career includes serving twelve years in the U.S. government as director for Syria and Lebanon at the National Security Council, spokesperson for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence at the U.S. Department of the Treasury, and director of communications and spokesperson for the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. Following her time in government, Hagar has gone on to found a communications strategy firm and to be a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Economic Sanctions Initiative. She also hosts, writes, and produces a weekly world news show on YouTube called Oh My World! that covers the top news stories in a fun, accessible, and humorous way.
  • Middle East and North Africa
    How Russia’s War in Ukraine Could Amplify Food Insecurity in the Mideast
    The war is threatening the region’s access to much-needed supplies, but certain countries are more vulnerable than others to food shortages and unrest.
  • United Nations
    The Biden Administrations Flirts With Dangerous Moves to Weaken U.S. Veto Power in the United Nations
    The U.N. General Assembly is debating a move to weaken veto power in the Security Council, and the Biden administration is supporting the draft. But weakening the veto is clearly against U.S. interests.