Human Rights

Women and Women's Rights

  • Women and Women's Rights
    Virtual Roundtable: International Trade and Women’s Rights
    As research definitively establishes a link between gender equality and global prosperity, more countries have sought to remove the economic barriers women face and foster their participation. In the United States, Congress is taking steps to ensure that U.S. trade policies enable opportunities for and do not discriminate against women: Senators Bob Casey (D-PA) and Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV) recently introduced legislation to strengthen standards for women’s and workers’ rights for countries receiving U.S. trade preferences. Senator Bob Casey, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto, and Heather Hurlburt discuss why and how U.S. trade policy should protect and promote women’s rights and opportunities.
  • U.S. Foreign Policy
    Understanding Gender Equality in Foreign Policy: What the United States Can Do
    A new report by Jamille Bigio and Rachel Vogelstein offers a comprehensive overview of how countries around the world are integrating gender equality as a foreign policy priority, and how the United States can advance security and economic growth by drawing on the benefits of women’s empowerment globally.
  • U.S. Foreign Policy
    Understanding Gender Equality in Foreign Policy
    Incorporating lessons from the approaches pursued by other countries, the U.S. government should take a more systematic and well-resourced approach to promoting gender equality in foreign policy.
  • Canada
    Virtual Roundtable: Protecting Gender Equality During COVID-19
    COVID-19 responses that ignore the pandemic’s disproportionate effects on women and girls risk exacerbating gender inequities and posing additional social and economic costs around the world. Women are on the frontlines, representing 70 percent of the healthcare workforce, holding more jobs in industries without leave, and carrying the burden of childcare. They are experiencing higher unemployment rates than men, spikes in intimate partner violence, and barriers to accessing necessary healthcare. Elissa Golberg, assistant deputy minister for strategic policy at Global Affairs Canada, and Theo Sowa, chief executive officer of the African Women’s Development Fund, discuss how Canada’s international assistance and local women’s organizations are protecting gender equality during COVID-19.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    Abortion in the Time of COVID-19
    Responses to COVID-19 mean women and girls are now more likely to face challenges accessing quality reproductive health care, especially in rural or marginalized communities.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    Virtual Roundtable: A Conversation With Catharine A. MacKinnon: The Debate on Sex Trafficking and Prostitution
    The international debate on prostitution and sex trafficking continues as COVID-19 spreads, with the United Nations warning that the pandemic has exacerbated the many risks to those harmed in the sex industry. Our speaker Catharine A. MacKinnon, Elizabeth A. Long professor of law at the University of Michigan and James Barr Ames visiting professor of law at Harvard Law School, discusses this debate under current conditions and in the long term.