• Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    The Latest Developments on COVID-19
    Please join our panelists as they discuss the latest COVID-19 developments, the risks of the Delta variant, mask and vaccine mandates, booster shots, and the possible ramifications of many students and workers returning to in-person settings.
  • Biotechnology
    Centennial Speaker Series Session 6: What Are the Potential Benefits and Risks of Biotechnology?
    Dr. Michelle McMurry-Heath discusses the future of biotechnology and how policymakers can best leverage scientific advances to confront 21st century challenges. This meeting is the sixth session in CFR’s speaker series, The 21st Century World: Big Challenges & Big Ideas, which features some of today’s leading thinkers and tackles issues ​that will define this century. 
  • COVID-19
    Reporting on COVID-19
    Luciana Borio, senior fellow for global health at CFR, provides an update on the virus, including information on vaccinations and the latest variants. Natalie Krebs, health reporter at Iowa Public Radio, shares best practices for reporting on COVID-19 and how local journalists can cover this issue in their communities. Carla Anne Robbins, adjunct senior fellow at CFR and former deputy editorial page editor at the New York Times, hosts the webinar.   FASKIANOS: Thank you. Welcome to today’s Council on Foreign Relations Local Journalists Webinar Series. I’m Irina Faskianos, vice president for the National Program and Outreach at CFR. As you may know, CFR is an independent, nonpartisan organization and think tank focusing on U.S. foreign policy. This webinar is part of CFR’s Local Journalists Initiative created to help you connect the issues you cover in your communities with national and international dynamics. Our programming puts you in touch with CFR resources and expertise on international issues and provides a forum for ensuring best practices. Today’s webinar is on the record and the video and transcript will be posted on our website after the fact at CFR.org/localjournalists. Today we’ll talk about reporting on COVID-19 with our speakers Luciana Borio, Natalie Krebs, and Carla Anne Robbins. We shared their bios with you so I’ll just give a few highlights. Dr. Luciana Borio is a senior fellow for global health at CFR. She is also a venture partner for Arch Venture Partners and an adjunct assistant professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University, and she was most recently a member of President Biden’s transition COVID advisory board. She also has served at the NSC where she coordinated the response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Natalie Krebs is a health reporter at Iowa Public Radio. She previously worked as an independent producer in west Texas covering issues from immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border to environmental issues in the Permian Basin. Her reporting includes coverage for NPR, WYFI, and Side Effects Public Media. And our host, Carla Anne Robbins, is an adjunct senior fellow at CFR. She’s a faculty director of the Master of International Affairs Program and clinical professor of national security studies at Baruch College’s Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, and previously she was deputy editorial page editor at the New York Times and chief diplomatic correspondent at the Wall Street Journal. So thank you all for being with us. I’m going to turn the conversation over to Carla and then we will open it up to all of you for your questions and for you to share best practices in your communities. So, Carla, over to you. ROBBINS: Thank you so much, Irina. And thank you so much, Natalie and Luciana, for joining us, Dr. Borio who has agreed to—(laughs)—be called Luciana. But thank you so much, both of us (sic), for joining us today. And thank you so much to all the reporters on the call for joining us today as well. You know, we’re just going to have a conversation up here for a while and of course please jump in; you know, let us know that you have questions, because I’m sure you have a lot of them for both of our—for on-the-ground practices of reporting and expertise, so it’s, you know, an ongoing, rather grim topic and an incredibly important one from a news point of view, and thank you for all that you do as reporters. So, Luciana, can we start with you with something of a national overview? I mean, how much of this is déjà vu all over again? The numbers I saw this morning in the Times show an average of 172,400 new cases of—plus 8 percent over the last fourteen days; 1,827 new deaths, which is up a 36 percent increase over the last fourteen days. And more than anything else that’s really scary is that hospitals in the South are reporting a severe ICU capacity issue. The Times is reporting that in Alabama all the ICU beds are currently occupied and that in Texas 169 hospitals have ICUs that are more than 95 percent full, up from 69 (percent) in June; there are only about seven hundred intensive care beds remaining across the entire state. It sounds really scary. How different is this surge from last year’s surge? BORIO: Yeah, so it feels that way sometimes, like a déjà vu, but I think that in reality things are much different and that we have a segment of the population, the vaccinated population, that is actually much better off. You know, they’re very protected. They tend to be more cautious. They tend to wear masks. And then we have a very dire situation for the unvaccinated. And unfortunately, that—you know, there are people in that category that are doing this not by choice but because they don’t have access to vaccines yet. Right? The children, for example. But for the adult population for which vaccine is available and highly safe and effective, the situation for them is indeed dire. And, you know, it’s not—and fortunately, too, we do see the spillover, if you will, into—it impacts other people’s lives, even the vaccinated, because, you know, the more cases that are circulating in the community, the more breakthrough cases there are, children get affected, health care systems get strained. We know of stories of people having trouble accessing medical care. They get displaced. So of course it impacts everybody. But, by and large, we’re having two different populations. From one side, things look pretty good, and for the other, the situation is dire. ROBBINS: And have doctors at least gotten better at treating the people who get sick? Not that that’s an argument for getting sick, certainly not an argument for not getting vaccinated. But we’ve certainly learned things since the last surge. BORIO: We have. And there are therapeutics available, and the monoclonal antibodies, you know, if given very early, can actually further decrease the risk to those who may get exposed, especially if they’re vaccinated. The people that are really dying from this disease when they’re vaccinated right now are really the ones who have—the most vulnerable population—the older, elderly; there’s, like, you know, much older, and those with severe immunocompromising conditions. So treatments have gotten better as well. Unfortunately, the system is still not perfect, and I know from personal experience in my patients at Hopkins that sometimes there’s such a lag in being able to access the therapy that the patient is feeling better by the time they’re called in for the therapeutic, for the infusion. So things are not quite yet perfect, but things are available. ROBBINS: And are they available? I mean, this is—I remember when President Trump got sick, you know, and he was saying this is not a big deal, and they of course had thrown absolutely everything at him. But a lot of this stuff at that point was experimental and certainly not accessible by most people who got sick. It was, it seemed to me, that those were treatments for sort of the rich and the famous. Has it now gotten to the point that if somebody gets sick that they have, you know, access to the monoclonal antibodies? I mean, are these things much more widely available than they were six months ago? BORIO: That’s right. They are. And every locality is managed in a certain way, so Maryland, for example, and Baltimore, close to our practice, they are sent to the—you know, I forget now the convention center or—you know, there are infusion sites, and it varies. But there is a referral that is required by the treating physician, so you can see that there is a little bit of lag in the system because a person needs to be symptomatic; they need to be tested; you need to—confirmed the diagnosis through test, and then they have to meet a certain criteria for risk factors, and then the doctor has to actually fill out the form. It’s not that bad; it’s online, at least in Maryland. But there is a delay in the system and that’s—it’s not as seamless as it could be. ROBBINS: Thanks. So, Natalie, what are you seeing on the ground? I mean, how is this fall different from a year ago, and how much of a challenge are you facing as a reporter in making what is a relentlessly grim story but that for many of us feels like we’ve seen this before? KREBS: Yeah. I mean, I was seeing kind of what the rest of the country is seeing, an uptick in cases, an uptick in hospitalizations. I mean, much like a lot of things Luciana said, it’s different this time in the fact that a lot of the concerns over the unvaccinated this round—I’m thinking of this time last year. There was just a lot of concern in general about spread and keeping distant and just keeping everyone, you know, healthy and keeping everyone apart. So it feels a lot different, again, too, where there’s sort of this choice at the moment of getting this vaccine or not getting this vaccine and we’re seeing high numbers of those who are not fully vaccinated who are being hospitalized now. Demographics have changed again. Before that was older people, people in nursing homes; that was what we saw last year. It’s—the challenge continues to keep telling stories. I mean, it is a grim story and it’s—I think we see COVID fatigue. I certainly am COVID fatigued, but again, with seeing the numbers, seeing the increase in hospitalizations, it’s just important to continue to tell stories, continue to tell what’s going on out there. And I think I have found with this vaccine angle and the difference between the way the pandemic looks now with the vaccination issue, it does make for fresh stories. It is looking at the pandemic from a different angle. Now we’re looking at combating vaccine hesitancy and some of the issues that vaccine hesitancy has caused, you know, such as, you know, concerns over staffing shortages and such, too, and hospitalizations for, you know, health care providers who are concerned about losing employees to vaccine mandates. So yeah, it’s grim out there but, again, it’s just something where I find—it’s just—it’s a really important health story and just to continue to follow what’s going on. ROBBINS: So let’s continue that for a while because it seems like you’ve got really good story ideas for people—(laughs)—always looking for great story ideas. So vaccine hesitancy would seem to me—would be—there’s a political story here, obviously, which is, what are we hearing from our political leaders? What are we hearing from our community leaders? Who’s pushing out what disinformation? Where are people hearing this from? What’s the reinforcement versus the other side? You know, who are the community leaders who are trying to combat vaccine hesitancy? That would seem to be one bucket of stories. You’ve got the whole staffing issue, which is really an interesting one which I hadn’t thought about, which is true for health care but it’s true across the economy, and which is going to lead into a question I want to ask Luciana about, sort of, what’s it’s like to be in government and make a decision about mandates? But we’ll move onto that really quickly. And so there’s that. And so what other sort of stories do you—are you finding that you weren’t doing last year that go on around this vaccine hesitancy issue? KREBS: Right. It’s just added sort of the psychology of the vaccine hesitancy issue. So you’re right. There’s one thing that—it’s what leaders say and we’re kind of taking that approach. You know? Our governor hasn’t issued mask mandates. She’s been really resistant. She’s really taken the approach of, you know, again, encouraging Iowans to wear a mask, encouraging Iowans to get vaccinated, over any kind of mandates. And I think—so I—looking at it from the other side is sort of, you know, who are these people who are hesitant about the vaccine, which is something I’ve followed for months, you know. You know, we see these numbers in polls and so many people aren’t getting the vaccine. You know, it’s putting faces to sort of those opinions and seeing what’s going on. The other part is sort of, what kind of issues does this cause? And so, again, looking at health care workers, there’s a chronic shortage of health care workers in Iowa for various reasons and, you know, my latest story, I was just thinking that I knew that there were health care providers out there who are concerned, you know, about issuing mandates just because they know they’re going to lose employees out there. You know, at the same time, it’s just sort of the impact of vaccine hesitancy too; you know, how is that impacting schools as well? And so I find—I kind of tend to look at it from that angle too, which is, what issue is vaccine hesitancy cause—what other kind of other, you know, less obvious issues is it causing out there? ROBBINS: So Natalie said, you know—mentioned her governor, Governor Reynolds. He (sic; she) was one of many Republican politicians who denounced President Biden’s latest vaccine mandate as, quote, “dangerous and unprecedented.” I mean, let’s face it: Vaccine mandates are not unprecedented. I mean, all of our kids—(laughs)—when they went to school had to be vaccinated. I don’t get the danger part of it. At the same time, it took a really long time for President Biden to do this. Luciana, you’ve worked at the NSC. You’ve worked across government. What do you think the debate was? Was this a political debate? I mean, from a public health point of view, do you think they waited too long on the mandate? BORIO: You know, Carla, so let me just first observe that the levels of hesitancy have not really dropped significantly and it’s on par with Russia, which is completely absurd when we think about it because, you know, the Russians have a reason to be hesitant about their vaccines. (Laughs.) They don’t really have, you know, studies that are rigorous and that meet scientific integrity and that, you know, the vaccine is not that effective anyway, and we have no idea about how safe it is because, you know, they haven’t really done this, they haven’t published reliable studies. So Americans have—you know, we are the envy of the world in terms of the safety and effectiveness of our vaccines, and here we are—so there’s something that I think, you know, we need to figure out and I don’t know what the answer is. But I don’t know that we have put the best of our brains together to really figure out how to overcome this. It doesn’t have to be this way. It’s not like the law of physics. But, you know, like, the doctor in me saying there’s a symptom that is really—there’s something really wrong about the situation. And we’re left to explain the problem—oh, it’s polarization; it’s politicization; it’s, you know, it’s—I don’t care what it is. Let’s do something about it, right? We can communicate. We can clear things up. I think we need to do better because the other countries in Europe, for example, the hesitancy rates are going down. ROBBINS: Are they doing things differently from we are? I mean, is it that they’re less polarized, or are they doing—we certainly do see a considerable amount of populism and polarization in countries in Europe. Do you know what they’re doing differently? BORIO: I do not know what’s accounting for that. I think that there’s some elements in Europe that are just as polarized as we are; some areas, I think we’ve heard today that there is—I think in France there is a new news network that is kind of mimicking some of the news networks we have, you know, in the U.S. So it’s a matter—but, you know, the graphs are pretty striking when you look at the rates and putting us together with Russia, and I think that we need to have, like, an all-hands-on-deck because that’s the reason why we don’t have more people vaccinated right now. I think that the issue of mandates is really problematic. I mean, I’ve been on record, you know, early on that I don’t think that it was really helpful because I wasn’t sure that—early on that—wasn’t sure how effective these mandates would be. But I think clearly now people are just out of ideas and desperate to get more people vaccinated, which I completely understand. There was a hope that with the FDA approval of the vaccines, the licensure, that more people would agree to be vaccinated and that more employers would be willing to mandate vaccines. And clearly, that didn’t really happen. And the fact is that, you know, there was a lot of push to get them to the finish line more quickly, which, you know, gives a lot of heartburn to folks like me who spent so many years at the FDA because you really don’t want to use the regulatory process for anything but to review the scientific review of the product, you know, and don’t want to accelerate things on the basis of a different motive. And the fact is that it was accelerated. We knew the vaccine was safe and effective but it was a very rushed—not—rushed is the wrong word. It was a very accelerated process. I’m glad it’s approved. I’m glad it’s licensed. But the fact is that we—if we observe now, you know, it didn’t have the impact on vaccine uptake that we had hoped, and now I think they’re going on to this last straw. Something has to be done. So I don’t know—I don’t have an answer because I think it’s—I had a position in the last year that I always—didn’t think that this was going to be that effective. I think they’re trying everything they can. You know, government has tremendous power. Right? Like, it’s incredible, like, the authorities it has, the resources, the brain trust. It can bring a lot to bear to a given problem. And I think in this instance hesitancy should not be something that we should say we just accept it and say, you know, we’re just going to let it be and that’s how it is. ROBBINS: So, Natalie, when you talk to people—two things: Have you talked to people who were vaccine hesitant and who have changed their minds? And do you know what it is that changes their mind? I mean, is it speaking to a faith leader? Is it seeing a family member get sick? Or are people—is nobody changing their mind of the people you’re talking to? KREBS: Yeah. I’ve spoken to a number of people who are vaccine hesitant, not so many that have changed their minds. But what I have kind of learned from my research is it’s kind of—I mean, all of the above is what you said. There’s a big push to kind of reach people in small groups, so that’s through faith leaders, you know; that’s through their doctors. There’s a really big push to reach people through their primary care physician, so basically the whole trusted leader thing, so, you know, rather than just kind of pointing to the CDC and saying, you should follow what the CDC says; they’re experts; they’re really important and said—you know, targeting people who they know—and, again, that could be their church leader; that could be their doctor. I know the state—the department on human services here, you know, they have had some success. They’re unable to have a vaccine mandate for their six facilities they run right now. They were having really low vaccination rates. They’ve had some success, you know, arranging small groups that include, you know, the state medical director, union leaders, and then just, you know, other people from their facilities to tell stories about getting the vaccine, why they got the vaccine. And that’s—so there is this kind of push to, you know, to try to get people vaccinated by having them encouraged by people that they know. So yeah, I’ve heard of people changing their minds because a family member got sick, because they got sick, or because, you know, they just talked to someone in the community that they trusted or even that they just looked at statistics and were just concerned about the number of people hospitalized who are unvaccinated. But at the same time, too, you do have a solid group of people, like—you know, Luciana said with vaccine hesitancy rates that just aren’t changing their minds; they’re seeing statistics, people talk to them, and they’re still—you know, they kind of—they believe they have their reasons and they’re sticking to them. ROBBINS: So it seems to me that there are two big stories that are going to unfold and that are upholding in front of our eyes right now. One is the reaction to the mandate and the other one is kids going back to school. And so in some states kids have been back to school for a month already; in other states, like New York, they just went back this week. So, Luciana, from the perspective of a doctor and the perspective of a mother, what should we be reporting on the return to school to see both whether or not school districts are taking the right precautions, how they’re handling the return to school, and as well as the impact of the return to school on people’s—on public health. What would you as a reader like to see? Because you can’t go everywhere to check on it so we as the, you know, the eyes and ears for that—and so looking at that, both as a mother and a doctor, you know, what stories should we be writing? BORIO: Yeah, I think—you know, people sometimes feel really helpless about, like, it’s not under control. I mentioned, like, you know the movie, the real bad movie, like, Bird Box that was on Netflix a little while ago—it seems like—(laughs)—this is a Bird Box situation. It’s not the case—it’s a virus with a—it’s a virus, you know, with physical properties; we know how it’s transmitted. And there are things we can do. And I think that making sure that adults understand that they have a role to play in keeping their kids safe—right?—the community of adults around those children that cannot yet be vaccinated matter, that the more that are vaccinated the better off we all are; our kids are safer. I think that—especially teachers that are interacting with them daily. Then there are these extra layers: masks and air handling in schools and some spacing, some cohorting, diagnostic testing deployment. Some schools are doing pool testing, which is, you know, really interesting. I think that all of those don’t have to be—you know, it doesn’t have to be all or none, but there are layers of, you know, tools that one can deploy, and I would want to know, you know, what is the school deploying? Are they (requiring ?) vaccines for teachers? If not, what’s the percentage of the teachers that are now vaccinated? Are they—cohort of the kids—are they wearing masks? Are they enforcing it? Are there educational messages for the children? Are they doing testing, et cetera? That’s what I would want to know. ROBBINS: So cohorting and pool testing—do you mean, like, swimming pools? (Laughs.) BORIO: No, I’m sorry about— ROBBINS: OK. BORIO: The surveillance means something to the FBI that is different from the CDC. ROBBINS: Right. (Laughs.) BORIO: So pool testing means that they would—so they can—an example of pool testing is that all the kids in a classroom can swab their noses or spit or whatever the test they’re using and the one—the test—it’s one test that is sent out for analysis, very quickly turned around, so it saves resources. If that’s positive, the whole class, you know, gets tested and they’ll switch off to remote, if you will. So they’re doing little—some schools are doing strategies like that and keeping that group together, just to be able to make it more manageable, you know, to deal with outbreaks within the school. ROBBINS: And cohorting? BORIO: Cohorting is when you group kids together, so—pods is the other way to call it, like, you create some pods within the school and, you know, we know that if there’s a little outbreak, it’s more likely to be limited to that little—to the cohort, the pod. ROBBINS: So you’ve given us basically a checklist of things that as a reporter we could go to a school and ask them how many of these things are they actually doing, and if they’re not doing them, why are they not doing? Is there anything else you’d put on that checklist? BORIO: No, I think that those are the key elements, and I think that’s a great way to think about it, a checklist. And again, it doesn’t have to be that everybody will, you know, use all the checklist, but—because the most important, really, is about vaccination, you know, vaccination in that community. But I think that people should have, you know, a responsibility for figuring out, like, what is it that, you know—how are we protecting these children? It can’t be a situation where they say, well, we’re doing nothing; we don’t want vaccine; we don’t like vaccines; we don’t like mask mandates; we don’t like testing, you know, and therefore we’re fine with just having these children, you know, develop serious infections, potentially life-threatening infections, and you know, and heart impacts in their life—you know, myocarditis that can—the virus can cause. I think that’s not something that we should just accept again as the status quo. ROBBINS: So I want to go back to Natalie and then I want to turn it over to the group. But the amount of information that’s available and the frequency with which it’s doled out really varies enormously from state to state. That’s very political. But if you wanted to assess the impact, for example, of the return to schools on a county level, just to see how well is my county doing, where would you get that data from? And if your county or your state is hesitant or resisting giving that information, do they have to report it to the federal government with some frequency, and is that a way to get that data if you’re not getting it easily out of your state government? KREBS: Yeah, so the CDC has a lot of county-level reporting and I will say here in Iowa they are reporting county-level data and then they’re also reporting new COVID infections by age group, and one of those age groups is zero to seventeen, so that’s what I’ve been using to kind of track school cases. We don’t have, you know, a database here that reports school outbreaks officially from the state. And so I think what me and other reporters have kept an eye on, basically, is just how many zero to seventeen cases. And it’s been up to like a third of the new cases every week, and that’s much higher than we were seeing before. But yeah, to say—I think there is—if your state doesn’t have that information, there is information available at the CDC on a county-level basis, and you can find some information on your state through that. ROBBINS: Great. Well, it is—we’re twenty-seven minutes into this so I—group, your reporters, we want to hear questions from you. We have—yes? FASKIANOS: Yes. All right, so people can raise their hand by clicking on the raised-hand icon, or you can also put your question in the Q&A box, and if you do that, please also type—share with us what outlet you report for. And we’d love to hear from you and any challenges you’re experiencing as well, and don’t be shy, so. ROBBINS: While you think about why you’re not going to be shy, since I always have questions, but I was—wanted to go back to Natalie and just ask her a question about—how hard are you finding it to get people to talk about this? I mean, it’s such a politicized issue. Are people, you know, so angry about it they don’t want to talk? For example: the mandate issue. Are you having a hard time getting business leaders to talk about it, workers to talk about it? KREBS: It can be hard. It really can be hard to find people to talk about this. It is kind of a sensitive topic. For the last story I did on kind of the issue with health care worker vaccine mandates, I actually—there’s a couple anti-vaccine protests going on around—at hospitals around Des Moines, in particular, where I live. And I went there not really knowing if I was just going to find, you know, sort of this group of people who kind of lobby the state government regularly, you know, list some of their anti-vaccine legislation every year, but I happened to find a number of health care workers, people who were RNs or worked in hospitals, who were, you know—you know, didn’t want to get the vaccine; they’re very anti the COVID vaccine and were looking at possibly quitting their jobs if they were going to be required or not get an exemption by November. You have to look at different ways. You know, I definitely—when I’ve been looking at hospitals across the state, just called many hospitals and a lot of hospitals don’t want to talk but you will find them—across the state you’ll find someone who will be willing to talk about what’s going on there, what sort of issues they’re facing. I found a hospital in eastern Iowa this time, you know, talking a little bit about that struggle that they have with not wanting to issue a mandate because they’re afraid of losing their employees to another hospital. A lot of hospitals I spoke to wouldn’t want to really say that on the record. And so, yeah, sometimes it just takes calling around looking for protests, sometimes looking for people who are willing to speak. And honestly, Twitter’s been really handy at this time, too, kind of looking for people—I have a number of Iowa followers and you can find—there are a lot of people who are willing to share their opinion out there, if you’re looking for them. ROBBINS: Luciana, can you explain—it would seem to me on the vaccine hesitancy issue, and certainly for the people who want to politicize this, they’re always arguing that well, you really can’t trust the CDC, you really can’t trust, you know, the people who are telling you what they’re saying because they change their mind all the time. You know, first they told us masks—we didn’t need masks; then they told us they did need masks. I mean, do you feel that—and some of this, of course, began during the Trump administration; there was a feeling that it was really being politicized, whether or not it was. Do you feel that this is just sort of the normal medical research process that hasn’t been—you know, the public wants certainty in a field that can’t guarantee certainty and that it’s just the communication on this has been poor? Because now it’s coming down to this issue of boosters. I mean, President Biden told us we’re all going to get boosters. You know, I’m over 65. (Laughs.) I want my booster! Except now I’m being told that maybe I don’t need a booster; maybe a booster isn’t a good thing. Is this bad communications on the nature of science or something more serious going on here in the way our institutions are working? BORIO: Yeah, I think—you know, it’s true that science evolves, you know, slowly, and information sometimes, new information can change, you know, from prior fact, you know, basically learn something new, sometimes a question of perspective. But I do think that it has been particularly challenging for both administrations, but including the Biden administration, to communicate facts, and I suspect that—you know, as always I’ll be, you know, very candid. I think that it’s been—you know, I’m really disappointed how the boosters topic has evolved because, you know, normally you really want to be able to rely on the technical staff, both at CDC and FDA, that have a deep understanding and a deep commitment to public health to be able to look at this data carefully and adjudicate, you know, what they’re seeing. They’re not—it’s not a—you know, these professionals don’t look at summary data; they don’t look at the summary data that is in a medical journal. They look at the raw data. They do their own analysis. They go very deep to say, you know, are there confounders that may be impacting the conclusions? It’s just a—it’s due diligence. And this doesn’t seem to have happened in this instance. So I think there was a process foul where the administration was consulted with the most senior physicians, they signed on to a statement that boosters—initially, actually, if you go back a few weeks, Israel and Pfizer says we’re going to do boosters and they were like, no, no, no, you know, it’s going to be up to the government, not Pfizer and Israel. The data is flawed; the data is confounded. But then shortly after, there was—everybody fell in line and they signed on to the statement, and the scientists who’ve been doing this for decades and they really understand, thought that, you know, this may not be quite—it’s been reported, you know, quite the way we should be doing this. And at the end of the day, it’s possible that boosters are the right thing to do, but we should only be reaching this conclusion once there is a thorough evaluation of data and a public discussion, which isn’t from the advisory committee that is happening on the 17th so that people can actually have a thorough understanding about the pros and cons and the trade-offs associated with boosters. And in this instance, this process wasn’t truly followed. So I think we’re seeing, like, you know, we’re in this complicated situation right now and I don’t know what the solution is. I think that I’m a little bit—I’m very comfortable that most healthy adults who received two doses of the mRNA vaccines are very protected. I think that it’s unreasonable to expect the vaccines to remain highly effective against infection, not—for severe disease, you know, they’re holding up pretty well, but it’s unreasonable; that’s not how these vaccines work. We were, in a way, very naive to think—to hope for that, you know, when the trials are very compressed and numbers were artificially high early on. We got really happy about it. But, you know, the vaccine folks knew that that was not going to last forever. And we can boost but—and, you know, how long will that improvement in antibodies last and protect? I think we have to be more careful in the evaluation of data and decision making around this. ROBBINS: And, I mean, we see that people don’t trust institutions more generally and people aren’t particularly well trained in science in school these days, and you add those two things together and any change in mind leads to this further mistrust. On the other hand, we believe in transparency, so it makes it more confusing. But we have questions, so let’s go to the questions. BORIO: I’ll just say, Carla, this—you know, it’s such a difficult situation for the technical staff that is involved in this kind of review because they are keenly aware that, you know, they have a job to do; they have a commitment to the American public, and they’re keenly aware that any messaging that introduces any doubts around—about these attributes, about these vaccines, plays right into the hand of anti-vaxxers and it really is agonizing to be able to do your job in this kind of environment. ROBBINS: So Robert Cheney has a question. Rob, do you—or Robert, do you want to voice your question or shall I read it? I’d much rather have you voice it. We can unmute you. Q: Hello. ROBBINS: Hi. Q: So parallel to the vaccine hesitancy, I’m really curious if there is an infection hesitancy in the sense of people unwilling to return to especially front-line worker jobs or people unwilling to send their kids back to school because they’re afraid of infection. Especially on the worker side of things, I frequently hear this as an economic argument, that people are too cushy with their unemployment payments and so they’re just not bothering to go back to their Uber driving or their restaurant work or whatnot. But anecdotally, I’m hearing a lot that people are just—they are not willing to put up with that risk of infection. However, I’m not seeing anything, either data or other sort of research-backed look at this, that would underpin that kind of an argument, and I’m wondering if anybody else has seen that out there that is significant concern that I don’t want to get back out into the social working world because of the risk of infection. KREBS: Yeah. I mean, I can answer. I think that’s a really, really good angle I haven’t entirely explored, but yeah, I think we’re seeing shortages of restaurant workers and such here and across the country, and I think that hesitancy to go back to work because of infection is a really good story out there. I haven’t seen too many polls or anything that kind of fully explained why people don’t want to go back to work. I think it can be kind of hard to quantify that. But I think that’s a good thing to kind of explore and go behind some of these help wanted signs and talk to people about why they’re not going back to work, especially now that there’s, you know, so much more information about breakthrough infections and kind of this idea now that, you know, I think people kind of had this false notion of the vaccine kind of being this forcefield protection and it really just prevents you from getting sick or severely ill. You can still get a breakthrough infection. People are still worried about getting sick. So yeah, I think the employment angle, that’s a good economic angle and kind of—with the pandemic, especially at a local level. BORIO: And I haven’t seen, you know, much of that either, you know, but I do think it’s somewhat justified for certain people. Right? Like, if you are somebody who has Type 2 diabetes, hypertension, single parent of a child that cannot get access to vaccine and you go into an office where people are saying masks optional and vaccine optional—like, you know, it’s a reasonable, rational hesitancy to have. Right? But it wouldn’t be, of course—but, you know, other people may—I think most workplaces are, at least in the workplaces that—(laughs)—I’m engaging with, I think they are a lot more protective and mindful of protection of their employee base. ROBBINS: Luciana, how common are breakthrough infections? I mean, I saw—I’ve seen—read a few pieces on this and people crunching the numbers. I don’t think they’re all as common as—people talk about them a lot because people are surprised because we really did think, as Natalie said, it was a forcefield. But they’re not all that transcendently common these days, are they? BORIO: Yeah. So they are quite—well, it depends on how you look at the data, and the way—you know, just to exaggerate the situation, I said, but if you have 100 percent of people vaccinated in a community, all the infections that occur are going to be breakthrough infections. Right? So the more people are vaccinated and—but not to the degree that they need to be able to quench the pandemic, so, you know, even if you have like 80 percent people vaccinated is not sufficient, you know, because the transmissibility of Delta. But a lot of cases are going to occur as breakthrough, but what matters is that, still, 95 percent-plus of people that are hospitalized are the unvaccinated. But one can play the numbers to make it sounds like it’s a bigger problem than it really is. ROBBINS: OK. And anecdotally, I will tell you that, you know, when I found out that they had put back the deadline for—I thought all my students were going to be vaccinated and I found out that the deadline was kept doing—part of me thought to myself, hmm, really? I really want to get back in the classroom face to face, but hey, I thought I had a guarantee here. Maybe I don’t have a guarantee. So let’s just say I go to class an hour early so I don’t have to be on the elevator with a whole bunch of people. It’s my way of handling it. (Laughs.) I’m still going back in. So we have Amy Rivers from the Waterloo—the Courier in Waterloo, Iowa. She’s in a busy newsroom so she’s—a crowded newsroom so she’s asked me to read her question. “Hi there. I’m a journalist at the Courier in Waterloo, Iowa, and love following Natalie’s work.” I’ll just stop there so you can take that in, Natalie. (Laughs.) “Was wondering, Natalie, how you were approaching the Iowa Supreme Court’s new temporary injunction on mask mandates. What are you hearing from schools as this information is coming out? Do you get the sense we will see a big school backlash to Reynolds’ mask ban mandate, or do you think they will be more cautious?” Good question. KREBS: Yeah. That is interesting. Hi, Amy. Thank you. It’s interesting, too, because this is sort of the next chapter in what I’m sure you’ve seen has been kind of the battle between, like, school districts, like particularly Des Moines, and the state. You know, last year, Des Moines, you know, was really concerned about virtual in-class, in-person learning. The state, our governor, had, you know, at one point banned in-person classes. Des Moines had gone virtual. They were kind of in a big fight over whether or not those days would count. So now with the Supreme Court decision, this temporary injunction, we’re kind of seeing the next thing. This just happened yesterday. It’s been interesting. It doesn’t surprise me that, you know, some of the bigger school districts like Des Moines, Cedar Rapids have announced they’re putting in a mask mandate. Again, I think we’re still going to see what happens. I mean, I think it will be interesting the final kind of say on what happens with mask mandates when the court issues their final ruling as to whether that will be permanently reversed or whether that will go back into place. And I think that’s an interesting issue to follow in general, too, just because there’s been this bigger thing about local and state control going on in Iowa over who kind of has say in this public health emergency about what, you know, what people can do, whether, you know, some of these local jurisdictions like school districts, mayors that have authority over mask mandates and such, and so I think that final ruling’s going to say a lot for this pandemic and in the future about kind of how we handle emergencies. So yeah, I’m kind of watching that unfold right now and it’s really interesting. But to me, again, it just seems like this kind of next chapter, and particularly a really very Iowa-kind-of-specific issue, and a couple other states, over, you know, who can dictate, you know, what to do or what safety measures to take in a public health emergency. ROBBINS: Luciana, can we talk about the vulnerability of children? I mean, we were told—and this, of course, is very relevant with the return to school as well. We were told, well, we don’t have to worry about kids because they don’t get very sick or they don’t get sick at all, and now we’re seeing—you know, as Natalie said, you know, she’s been tracking those numbers very closely. I mean, how vulnerable are children, a) to getting sick and, b) how sick do they get? I mean, do we know—is our knowledge different from a year ago? Did we have a lot of false assumptions about the vulnerability of children to this disease? BORIO: I think that with the vaccination of more adults, you know, the pediatric epidemic has really, like, has been unmasked. You know, it’s more visible. And I don’t have the latest statistics, to be—I just haven’t checked the latest, latest, but I think that’s—and of course we know that there’s a linear, like, relationship between age and morbidity associated with this virus. But, you know, in terms of kids becoming infected, we know that in a virus it’s—normally it’s a question of how they are—receptors in their nasopharynx that—the virus is not, you know—the Bird Box movie. Right? Like, it’s a physical—there’s physical properties. And the virus binds to receptors, and kids’ receptors tend to be a little bit different. They have a different density of receptors in their nasopharynx. So the virus tends to adapt over time to become more efficient and so that it expands its host range, if you will. So I think that Delta has demonstrated that it’s—you know, binds very avidly, replicates to very high levels in adults, and there’s no reason to think that, you know, kids are immune. I think that sometimes we have a little bit of magical thinking associated with these things, so I wouldn’t—you know, I think that we need to protect kids, for sure. ROBBINS: And talking about Delta, I mean, it seemed like Delta came pretty quickly. Is there, you know—and it seems like Delta has been around, the dominant for quite a while. Is Delta just so strong that it’s just knocking off—(laughs)—all the other pretenders, or should we be expecting something scarier inevitably? I mean, what’s the nature of the evolution of these viruses, given the fact, particularly, that there are so many unvaccinated people around the world? BORIO: Yeah, so it’s really difficult to predict. I think that most virologists who study the viral evolution think that Delta is here to stay and that the new viruses that might evolve will be sub-lineages of Delta. It’s very difficult to predict. A big surprise could happen. By no means is Delta the most transmissible or immune-evasive, you know, virus that one could imagine—(inaudible)—in terms of its R0 or its ability to evade immune response. So theoretically, I think it’s possible. Again, we’re better off. We know how to make these vaccines. We have therapeutics. We know how to mask. We know how to be able to minimize the intensity, duration, the number of social interactions we have in a way that is not needlessly disruptive, you know, lock in place. I don’t see this going back to that. But, you know, I think it’s—I think Delta is formidable and the curves are, you know, quite incredible how it really has displaced the other ones due to its transmissibility. I hope we don’t see anything worse than that, but it’s very difficult to predict. ROBBINS: So, Natalie, I’m not sure—I saw this story; I’m not sure if you wrote it or someone else wrote it, but there’s all this money pouring in and—that is pandemic-related money, and I saw that Iowa was spending some of its pandemic money to advertise, what is it, tourism to Iowa? KREBS: Yeah. ROBBINS: (Laughs.) I’m not sure that was exactly what they had in mind when they passed that money. So I always think that money is a great story; following the money, big and small, is always a great story. So are you doing money reporting, either money that’s going for health care, money that’s going more generally that was supposed to go to health care that isn’t going to health care? Can you talk a little bit about that? KREBS: Yeah, so, yeah, I do some. I work with our state government reporter a lot and kind of split duties, and this is, you know, such a big story and so entwined with state government. And I find it fascinating. I feel like I get involved with that element too, but yeah, that’s definitely something—I think that’s a great story to follow, especially here in Iowa there’s just that—again, that story they launched this tourism campaign, again, basically using federal funding. But then there’s been other questions lately; again, a lot of Democratic lawmakers have been pointing to the Republican government in Iowa and saying, you know, we—yeah—like, offered millions of dollars for school testing; you know, they haven’t taken it; it’s just sitting there. So yeah, to answer your question, there’s a lot of really fascinating, you know, federal, you know, funding money stories in Iowa right now. There’s been constantly this battle about, you know, where this money is going. I think at one point, too, you know, the governor turned back—turned down like $95 million in testing from the federal government just saying, you know, we’re good, we don’t need that right now. So I think, you know—I am constantly, just part of my job, following where the federal money is going and what it’s being spent on. That’s going to be something that’s going to be an issue for a while, something to follow for a long time. FASKIANOS: Carla, we have a question. I want to just go to Amy Browne. She’s the news and public affairs manager at WERU in Orland, Maine. Q: Hi. Thank you for taking my question. I’m wondering if anyone is reporting on what percentage of the people in your coverage area are—who have been hospitalized are either uninsured or on Medicaid or Medicare. I typically cover the CDC briefings here that we have our state briefings and am starting to work on a story about that and have been surprised that there doesn’t seem to be a lot out there and the state doesn’t seem to be compiling that information specifically, so just wondering about the—if anyone is looking at the economic costs from that angle. ROBBINS: Great question. KREBS: Yeah. No, that’s a really good story. I haven’t looked at it specifically from that angle yet. I will say—I mean, Medicaid in Iowa was privatized a couple years ago. It’s been highly controversial. And so Medicaid is something I’ve followed in general. I know, too, that something I’m looking forward in the future, I think there’s a number of people who are going to be kicked off Medicaid that were kind of on, I think, during emergency orders under the pandemic—I need to double check that before I—(laughs)—put out into the world officially—by the end of this year, and so I think, yeah, that’s a really good point, too, to kind of, I guess, look at people who are on Medicaid and kind of how they’re being affected by the pandemic but also just how their health coverage is going to be affected. ROBBINS: There is this—I mean, you hear this sort of muttering about, you know, this sort of “why are we paying the price for these people who’ve made a positive decision here, or a negative decision here, not to get vaccinated?” I mean, that this is—and there was that story, I think it was in the Times, about people in Washington state not wanting to allow people from Idaho to come in and overwhelm their hospitals. I mean, there is that weird, anti-immigrant thing that’s spreading here, which is really sort of nasty. And so I think there is, you know, a growing sense of that and that’s going to further sort of polarize the country. But it does raise a very interesting set of questions, particularly when you think about public health care. So there’s some really good stories there. Luciana, you work in a hospital part time, among your many jobs. Have you noticed that this money has changed anything, the money that’s coming in, that’s the COVID money that people are getting even better at things? Are they finally using electronic records? (Laughs.) Are they getting smarter at things? Are there any stories to be tracking down in the health system itself about how the health system has been transformed by the pandemic? BORIO: You know, Carla, I do the outpatient clinic at—(inaudible)—at Johns Hopkins and I don’t have very much visibility on the systemwide issues. I can say that I thought telemedicine is, you know, is here to stay. It’s a wonderful thing. It was really a lifeline for a lot of patients, but also, it reminded me how hard it will be to really scale it up to a lot of the most vulnerable populations that do not really have access. A lot of the telemedicine visits were converted to phone calls midway because of difficulty connecting to the Internet or clicking on the video link, so we’re a long—it’s one of those issues that I think further enhances, like, the disparity. It has a great promise for all, but, you know, we’re not quite there yet for a lot of the populations that really could benefit from that. ROBBINS: So for reporters who want to look at how hospitals have adapted or not adapted over the course of the pandemic—I mean, I’m amazed, you know, at the notion of these ICUs being overwhelmed. Is that inevitable or is that poor planning? I mean, why weren’t they ready? BORIO: Well, a lot of the ICUs across the country during “peacetime” and in the pandemic period are always—they’re usually—they run pretty full on a routine basis. So it doesn’t take much to overwhelm them. We haven’t seen—well, they’ve been—I think it’s been reported but, by—you know, like, anecdotes, but, by and large, they are at—over capacity but still within the planning ranges where you can, you know, give and take and activate surge and all that. I don’t think that there is much of an appetite to build a tremendous amount of capacity for very expensive care at this juncture when we know how to avoid that to begin with. ROBBINS: But one would think that after—I was just thinking because we were on a walk over the weekend and we walked past New York Presbyterian and I was remembering what it was like a year ago when there were those, you know, refrigerator trucks out front in New York at the height of it and, I mean—and basically in front of every hospital in New York City, and about how now, luckily because the numbers are—they’re up but certainly far down from what they were a year ago. But if you’re in a state in which you are a hospital administrator, you had to understand the politics of your state, right? I mean, shouldn’t they have built up capacity? BORIO: Well, they—you know, they say COVID is not that serious, not that real, that we—you know, “where’s the COVID?” in those states? Right? So it’s not a big deal; that’s why we don’t have to—kids don’t have to wear masks. It’s all optional. I think that’s—you know, I think it’s part of the mentality. And then, of course—and the ICUs are a little bit overflowing but that’s just part of how we deal with—that’s how I think—this is, like, completely—I’m just making this up, but that’s how I imagine this goes on. But from a health care system utilization, you know, it makes—there’s only so much surge capacity that is reasonable to develop unless—because it’s just so expensive to do and maintain, that those resources are much better applied in other areas of the health care system. And right now it’s fully avoidable with the vaccines that we have available. ROBBINS: So do you have a checklist—and I want to go to Natalie—but do you have a checklist for reporters covering hospitals about how prepared they are to deal with these things comparable to your checklist for schools? BORIO: I think it’s more about are they vaccinated—are they mandating vaccination for their health care workers to protect patients and the health care worker in the system, if they have protected workforce, they have staff. Staffing is a major issue. So that’s number one. If you’re going to want to surge, you need to have staff to do it, and have adequate amounts of PPE, and what are the plans to be able to do mutual assistance with regional hospitals? Because surges are sometimes—you know, it’s just part of crisis planning for hospitals. Those are the three things that I would want to know that they have in place. ROBBINS: Great questions. Natalie? KREBS: Yeah, I was going to say, with the whole issue of hospital preparedness, I know in Iowa most of the hospitals here are critical access, which means they’re like twenty-five beds or less. And like I said, there’s chronic shortages of health care workers. So even before COVID, they were traveling—they were hiring traveling nurses to work here just because they couldn’t get enough nurses in the rural areas. So, you know, I think a lot of them are struggling with COVID now just basically because they didn’t have the resources before and, I mean, a lot of rural hospitals—they’re expensive to run. And we’re seeing this with OB units shutting down. They’re expensive to run, you know, so they end up having to shut them down because they just don’t have the resources to keep something like that running. So ICUs are expensive too. And, again, using the state I live in as an example, in rural areas you don’t get a lot of people in the intensive care unit and so it just ends up, you know—then a crisis like this hits and basically they just don’t have the staffing and the supplies they need at the moment. On top of that, you see, again, too, there has been, you know, cuts to public health funding at the state level for years. So these plans, these kind of crisis plans, aren’t really put in place or kind of pushed aside again during peacetime. You know, it’s something that’s kind of doomsday or, you know, fantastical and won’t ever happen, and then when it happened, you’re looking at a health care system that’s pretty easily overwhelmed. So yeah, that’s sort of what I’ve heard, too, just basically the structure of hospitals around the state. ROBBINS: I would love to—and you guys have been great and I really, really appreciate it. I would love to go around and ask people, what have you learned? You know, I mean, what have you learned and how much of your, you know—if you feel that you haven’t been able to adapt your hospital or your school system or your business to deal with the pandemic like this, because, you know, odds are this isn’t the last time we’re going to have to deal with something like this. Why haven’t you been able to do it? Is it because it’s inadequate support from the state, from the federal government? You know, why—you know, fool me once, you know—(laughs)—second time around, shame on us, because we are in the second time around with this surge. Luciana, this has been fabulous. Thank you so much, Dr. Borio. Natalie, this has been fabulous. We should all—we will all be reading you and following you on Twitter. And Irina, back to you. FASKIANOS: And that’s a great segue to say thank you all, and you should follow everybody—Carla on Twitter @robbinscarla, Luciana @llborio, and Natalie @natalie_krebs. Please visit CFR.org, thinkglobalhealth.org, and foreignaffairs.com for the latest development and analysis on COVID-19 and international trends and how they’re affecting the U.S. And do email us, share suggestions for future webinars and speakers that you would like us to invite. You can email us [email protected]. So thank you all again for being with us and to our fabulous speakers. (END)
  • State and Local Governments (U.S.)
    Vaccines and Variants with Dr. Leana Wen
    Leana Wen, emergency health physician and former health commissioner for the city of Baltimore, Maryland, discusses how state and local governments can prepare for and respond to COVID-19 variants and future public health emergencies.   FASKIANOS: Thank you. Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations State and Local Officials Webinar. I’m Irina Faskianos, vice president for the National Program and Outreach here at CFR. We’re delighted to have participants from 49 U.S. states and territories with us. Today’s discussion is on the record. As you know, CFR is an independent nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher focusing on U.S. foreign policy. We’re also the publisher of Foreign Affairs magazine. And through our State and Local Officials initiative we serve as a resource on international issues affecting the priorities and agendas of state and local governments by providing analysis on a wide range of policy topics. So I’m pleased to have with us today Leana Wen. We previously shared her bio with you so I’ll just give you a few highlights, and to say that we will need to end a little bit early because we are perfectly placed. President Biden is announcing his pandemic vaccine plan at 5:00, but an embargoed copy has been released. So we’ll be able to hear some insights from Dr. Wen on that. Dr. Wen is an emergency physician and visiting professor health policy and management at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health. And she is the author of Lifelines: A Doctor’s Journey in the Fight for Public Health that was just released in July. Previously she served as health commissioner for the City of Baltimore, where she led the nation’s oldest continuously operating health department. Dr. Wen is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and has received numerous recognitions, including one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. Dr. Wen, thanks so much for being with us today. It would be great—I’m just going to throw it open to you—over to you to talk about the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, and where we are now, and any insight you can share on what we will hear from President Biden shortly? WEN: Wonderful. Thank you very much, Irina. I’m glad to join you and also glad to join our state and local officials. I mean, what a time it’s been for all of you, for all of us. And I just, first of all, want to say thank you, because you are really on the frontlines. And I think you’ve all seen too how unfortunately COVID has become so polarized, so politicized. And you are the ones who are delivering messages that people don’t necessarily want to hear. And I think you’re on the frontlines in more ways than one. I mean, you’re also on the frontlines of getting and dealing with misinformation, disinformation, but also in harassment and in messages directed at you in ways that are totally inappropriate. But you still do the work and serve your communities, and I just want to thank you for them. Now, I don’t think that we’re in a very good place at all in the U.S. I mean, we reached a point back in June/July where we were seeing consistent declines in the numbers of infections. We were down to just over 11,000 daily infections. But now we’re seeing these surges, to the point that we’re having about 150,000 new infections every day. And I was just looking at where we are now compared to last—to Labor Day. We are now at 300 percent the level of COVID-19 infections compared to last Labor Day. We are at more than—at two-and-a-half times the level of hospitalization compared to last—compared to a year ago. And we’re at nearly twice the level of death compared to last year as well. And so in total, that is not a good picture of where we are, especially because we have vaccines. I mean, my colleague at CNN, Dr. Sanjay Gupta, was just saying that if you had shown us these statistics a year ago we might have said, oh, well, in that case we didn’t develop a vaccine, because it would seem hard to believe that we have vaccines that are safe and very effective, but we would still be at this point. And why are we at this point? Because only 54 percent of Americans are fully vaccinated. Now, we could have avoided this point if it were not for the Delta variant, but also if it were not for the fact that so many people remain unvaccinated. And so Irina mentioned the announcement that President Biden is going to be giving. I have an embargoed copy of the plan that was embargoed until 3:30 Eastern, which was, you know, half an hour ago. So I can now talk to you about the plan. But it’s a six-prong strategy that really would not surprise any of us who have already—who have been following this. I mean, it talks about testing, masking, and keeping school safe. It goes into a lot of detail about vaccinations. And I think that the Biden administration is using many of their levers in order to increase vaccinations. Not as many as I would like, and I’m happy to talk about that too, but there is a lot that they are doing. So for example, they are announcing that all federal employees and also contractors with the federal government now need to be vaccinated. There’s now not a testing opt-out option. Another big—another big item that’s going to come is they are directed—the federal government is directing—or, the White House is directing OSHA to develop a rule that requires vaccinations for—or testing—or weekly testing for all companies that have one hundred or more employees. That’s a big deal. That’s 80 million Americans who would be affected. In this case they are giving an opt out. They are saying: Either require vaccinations or weekly testing, but I think that is going to be a big deal. We know that many businesses have already voluntarily taken the step of requiring vaccines, but also a lot of businesses have not. And so I think this gives businesses cover that want to do this. And now they can point to OSHA and say, hey, this OSHA rule is coming. That’s why we’re doing this. I think that will be really important. But, I mean, I wish the federal government would go even further—for example, requiring vaccinations for travel, for interstate travel, for planes and trains. And in the meantime, I wish that we would do more to abide by actually what the CDC recommendations are, which, as you know, are requiring indoor masking in places with substantial or high transmission, which is most of the country. That is not the case. I mean, my—you know, I think there is this cognitive dissonance sometimes that we have. We—and I’m sure you all experience this too—we talk to some people who are pretty blasé about COVID, who might be vaccinated or even are unvaccinated but don’t really think that COVID poses much of a threat. And on the other hand, we have people who are really afraid of COVID, are not resuming many aspects of pre-pandemic normal, cannot wait to get booster doses, et cetera. And I think we’re living in this very strange, bifurcated world at the moment. But in any case, I think that there’s a lot of work. To summarize, we are not at the place that any of thought or wished that we would be at this point. But I think there is a lot that we can do to get us to a much better place. FASKIANOS: Thank you very much. We’ll go right now to questions. You can raise your hands and unmute yourself and tell us who you are and—to give us context of the state from which you—where you’re sitting. Or else, you can write your question in the Q&A box. And if you write your question, it would be great if you could include your affiliation and I will read it. So the first raised hand—sorry as I am juggling. How long have I been doing this? Is Liz Johnson. Mayor Liz Johnson, if you could unmute yourself. OK. I’m going to go next to Councilman Wilkerson. And we will come back to the mayor. Go ahead. Q: Hi. How are you? FASKIANOS: Fine, thank you. And where are you tuning in from? Q: I am from Killeen, Texas—in the wonderful state of Texas. I would like to ask Dr. Wen—first of all, thank you for having this forum. I would like to ask you to get a little more into depth about the concerns that we should have about school systems, because a lot of our municipalities are working with our school districts, and the concern that some may have or some not have with the opening of the school districts at this time of year. WEN: Yeah. It’s a really good question. And I know this is one that we’re all wrestling with in different ways. You know, recently I was on a Post—on a Washington Post podcast with Hannah Nathanson, who is the educator reporter for the Post. And she made a comment that really stuck with me. It was something about how at this moment—I mean, based on her reporting all over the country—the range of what we’re seeing in terms of this piecemeal approach to reopening schools is as wide as one can possibly imagine. I mean, you’ve got some places that are going above and beyond the CDC recommendations when it comes to the layers of protection—which, you know, is good, right? I think the CDC approach of talking about layers of protection, that we need as many of these layers in possible, kind of like in the winter when you’re cold. You know, you want as many layers as you can. And if you’re replacing—if you’re removing one layer you replace with another. So if we can no longer do distancing, we’re replacing it with having as many adults being vaccinated as possible and doing regular testing, indoor masking, et cetera. You’ve got that one extreme. Then you’ve got many schools reopening as if it’s 2019, without any restrictions at all and without any kind of indoor masking, unclear even what their protocols for quarantining and isolation are. I mean, I’m very concerned. I mean, I think essentially, we have subjected our children to a natural experiment that they did not sign up for, where children in different parts of the country are exposed to dramatically different environments. The schools that are relatively responsible but are not implementing all these measures, I think they’re going to see a lot of cases. And hopefully they’ll be quarantining students accordingly. Although, of course, the consequence is that children are going to be missing out on school. I guess from a public health standpoint, I and many other experts are really worried. I mean, we’re really worried about the consequences. We’re really worried about why we’re even doing this in the first place. You know, when we know what it takes for schools to reopen safely, why aren’t we doing everything that we can? I’m the parent of two young kids. I have a four-year-old also who just started preschool. I’m here in Maryland, and I feel so fortunate that I live in a jurisdiction where we do—we are following all the—all the guidelines. But I would really worry about—if we were living in a different area. I worry about all these parents who are being subject to very different types of environments. So I’m not sure that I’m quite answering your question. Q: Well, yes, that was helpful. As far as statistically speaking, I know that there’s a consensus out there, or there’s some who may think that children are less susceptible to this, of course. And I think that the science has kind of played that out. But to what—to what level should we really be concerned with sending our kids back into a school environment? And also, you know, what kind of innovative ways can we do—because I’m the parent of two school-age—well, actually, one’s in college and one’s in high school. How do we get the message out to the kids from a municipality standpoint? And maybe you can speak to something as far as what President Biden’s going to announce today. How can we make the importance of being safe in this type of environment for those type of kids, for kids that are entering into the school system? WEN: Yeah. I mean, you make a—you make some really good points. And I think one thing that we need to make very clear is that children are affected by COVID. There has been this untrue, and I think very unhelpful and dangerous, narrative that somehow children are not affected by COVID. And it’s because of a comparison that never really should have taken place, as in what we have been saying from the beginning—which actually is true, but it’s not helpful in this context—is to say then, well, the majority of people who have died and have gotten hospitalized are older people. It is definitely true, and also true that children make up a small proportion of the total number of individuals who have become severely ill. Also it is true that children tend to become much less severely ill than adults from COVID. But that is true for so many other illnesses as well. Children are resilient. Children are not supposed to die. I think that is the key that’s missing here. I mean, when we’re looking at what’s happening around the country, we know, of course, that kids twelve and old are eligible to be vaccinated, but under twelve they are not. When we have something like the Delta variant that’s so contagious, what’s gone on is that those who are left to be infected because of this very contagious variant are children. And children are now being—are now being affected in large numbers. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics just released the number saying that more than one in four of the new infections are now occurring among children. We are now having more than two hundred kids being hospitalized every single day around the country. Tens of thousands of kids have been hospitalized during the pandemic. The hospitalization rate for children is 2 percent. So 2 percent of kids getting COVID are now getting hospitalized. And hundreds of kids have died. Thousands potentially could have long term consequences from COVID. I wrote an op-ed back in June about what if we had looked at this differently and instead of comparing kids’ outcomes to adults, what if instead we said: There’s a new illness out there, and that illness only affects children. And by the way, hundreds of children, including previously healthy ones have died, tens of thousands have been hospitalized. How might we react to that kind of news? I mean, that is what’s happening. COVID is now one of the top ten killers of children. I mean, that cannot be acceptable to any of us as parents or as members of society. It’s our job as adults to protect our children. And I guess the final thing that I would say here is when asked about this issue, in particular in relation to schools, isn’t it our job as adults to protect our children? And if that’s the case, then what are we willing to do to do that? I mean, I guess I find it hard to see. Again, I have a four-year-old. I don’t think it’s very difficult—my four-year-old thinks that wearing a mask is just fine. That’s really all he knows, frankly. And, you know, wearing a mask and not going to school when you’re sick and doing regular testing, that doesn’t seem like a big price to pay in order to safeguard our children. Q: No, Dr. Wen. Thank you very much for that education, because that’s the first and most powerful thing I’ve heard about the advocacy for masking up and getting vaccinated for children entering into the school system, because a lot of us don’t know this is a top ten killer of children at this time. So that’s very powerful, necessary information. We can pass it onto the citizens to make sure that we’re doing the right thing. Thank you very much. FASKIANOS: Thank you. I’m going to go next to William Murray, who wrote a question and also has raised his hand. Q: OK. Well, thank you so much for participating. This is really a great thing. There’s so many questions that local officials have. We’re confronted daily with rising rates here in our own village, the village of New Paltz in the Hudson Valley and upstate New York. One question I had that I wrote about is—or, questioned, is that with the high transmissibility of the Delta variant, there doesn’t seem to have been any modification to recommendations to prevent spread. All that we’re reading is the same sort of information based upon, you know, variant A, if you will. But given how much more potent this one is, one would think there would be changes in ventilation recommendations, distancing recommendations, that sort of thing, given how quickly it can spread. Any thoughts on that? I haven’t seen anything from the CDC upping—you know, maybe we should be eight feet apart, or maybe we should all be wearing three-layer masks, or maybe, you know, ventilation systems aren’t going to be able to handle this particular variant. WEN: Yeah, it’s a really good point that you’re making. And you’re right that we are dealing with something different here. I mean, not totally different, in that we’re still talking about a respiratory virus. It’s still spread through the same route. But the Delta variant is a lot more contagious. And when something is more contagious, it means that the activities that we once thought were pretty safe are now going to be higher risk. And so also we know, based on a study done by the Chinese CDC, that an individual carrying the Delta variant carries one thousand times the amount of virus compared to somebody with the previous variants, which I think is also—just tells us something about the transmissibility of this variant compared to before. And I think another reason why our schools, as they are reopening, we really need to take every precaution. You know, what the CDC has done—and I think this is the right thing for them to do—was to reinstate or was to encourage local jurisdictions and states to reinstitute indoor mask mandates. And that’s something that I know some states and cities have done, but the majority have not. I wish that they would do this. I mean, we really understand about how transmissible the variant is, and having indoor—at least having indoor mask mandates is important. I would add—and I agree that the CDC has not said this—but I would add that a cloth mask is not sufficient. We should at least be wearing a three-ply surgical mask when we are in public places. And I would recommend if people are in higher risk areas and traveling, for example, with prolonged exposure, for long periods of time, close quarters with people, to be wearing an N-95 or KN-95 mask. We know that the quality of mask definitely matters and it’s also something that very much impacts the wearer as well. Now, another element that I do think—I mean, I think you make an interesting point about should we be changing anything about distancing or anything else. I mean, I think at this point my major concern is that people have just really let down their guard. My family and I were at the beach over the holidays, over the Labor Day weekend. We were in an area of the country that actually has generally—last year we were there at the same place. They had mask mandates and everybody was wearing masks in grocery stores. This time maybe one in five, one in ten people were wearing masks inside a public grocery store with a lot of people. I’m more concerned that people are not following the rules that we already have. FASKIANOS: Thank you. So in the interest of time I’m going to group some questions here. So Keith Hooker. Will the OSHA rule/guidance on vaccination apply to state and local governments as well or only to private businesses? And somebody else asked—let me find it—about would they also apply to colleges and universities? State Representative Lori Gramlich from Maine. WEN: I do not know the answer to these questions. I mean, those are the questions that I have as well. I don’t know. My understanding is that the White House has directed OSHA to develop this rule. The rule has not even been developed yet. And so I don’t know. But I think that’s something that we should ask for clarification from the Biden administration. FASKIANOS: Great. I’m going to go next to Susan Hairston, who has her hand raised. Q: Thank you, Irina. And thank you, Dr. Wen, so very much. I have been dying to hear from you all. I’m a councilwoman in Summit, New Jersey. And we have an amazingly high vaccination rate in our town. And I am shocked by the number of increasing incidences. And so it really does beg to ask, is what we’ve been doing not making a difference? And it seems like it’s ammunition for the people who are opposed to it. And so I hear you loud and clear that we have to keep insisting on the norms about mask wearing and social distancing because there’s a competing interest. Business is saying: Open up. Let me us get back to normal. Let us get back to making jobs, stopping unemployment. And all of these things are competing. And so what I wanted to ask you about, do you think there is the threat of a shutdown being necessary, since we have Delta, we have Lambda, I hear there’s another one. Would that be something that would be a short-term effect? We’ve seen it happen in other countries. I believe that’s Australia and China continues to do that. And then the other thing that I’m finding alarming is it is our police and fire and some of the first responders who are some of the folks who are not getting vaccinated. And that’s been a challenge. And so I’m just wondering, is a shutdown something that might be on the horizon? I know it’s really an awful thought, but I just don’t understand. We feel like we should have learned so much more about this. Thank you. Appreciate what you’re doing too. WEN: Well, thank you for the excellent questions and for the points that you’re making. So a few things: One is that I don’t think we should say that just because things are in the wrong direction that our efforts were for naught. We don’t know our own counterfactual, right? I mean, had we not increased our vaccination programs much earlier, had we not implemented mask mandates much earlier, had we not done all these things that you all have been doing, and doing education and outreach, imagine where things would be now, right? I mean, I think we can’t think about, well, things are terrible now and therefore there was no point to doing all these things. Actually, it should be, well, what more can we—what can we—what more can we do? Well, we know that—I really believe that in this country—not necessarily in other countries, where the cultural contexts and political dynamics are different—but in this country I strongly believe that vaccines are our best and only way out. And that’s because the restrictions, the lockdowns that we’re seeing in other countries are never going to happen. I mean, New Zealand, Australia, they closed down the entire country for a couple handful of cases. That is never going to happen here. There is no political will to do that, even in places that might be amenable to doing these things. I mean, there is just no—the thing with our country, as I think you all know firsthand, is that the places that have the outbreaks—the largest numbers of outbreaks—are also the places that have resisted mask and vaccine mandates. So to think that these places would somehow go for lockdowns, that is just not politically tenable. It is not going to happen. And understanding that reality, we need to do what else we can. And that’s why I think the Biden administration focusing on vaccines is the right step, because that’s the only politically tenable thing that we are able to get through and to get done. And so to your question about new variants that may arise, I mean, Delta is the issue for us at the moment. And that’s because it is so highly transmissible. When something is so highly transmissible, it displaces all the other variants that there are. And so, yes, there are Mu, and Lambda, and these other things that are on the horizon. But if they’re not more transmissible than Delta—and we don’t know whether they are. So I’m not saying that it will never happen with another variant. But Delta has taken this foothold here because it’s so highly transmissible. Could there be new variants that develop that are more transmissible, more virulent, more deadly, and that somehow evade the protection of our immune systems and the vaccines? Possibly. But that has not happened yet. FASKIANOS: Just to group a couple of questions in the chat, how much of—the data on how much of the surge is due to unvaccinated compared to breakthrough cases in the vaccinated population? Can you give us the stats, and how this is very different considering the new variants? And then there’s another question about do you know when the approval will come through—this is like we all wish we had the crystal ball—for children under twelve? Those of us who have children under twelve, right? Do you know what the timeline is now for that? WEN: Yeah. I might need you to remind me what the previous question was because I got so distracted by this—the kids question, as it’s so top of mind with two little kids under the age of twelve. The most recent—the most recent projections we have are that Pfizer, which is going to have data first, that they will submit for emergency use authorization for the FDA for kids in the six to eleven-year-old group—or, maybe the five to eleven-year-old group, sometime in late September. Authorization could come as early as late October to early November, that group. For younger kids, probably not until 2022. And I’m sorry, Irina, the first question? FASKIANOS: So just the first is just what is the data of— WEN: Oh, breakthroughs. FASKIANOS: The breakthrough—the surge—how much of the surge is due to the unvaccinated and how much is due to the breakthrough cases? WEN: Yeah. I mean, it’s hard to have these exact numbers because we don’t have the capacity to do a lot of contact tracing in this country. But based on the numbers that I have seen we know that the vast majority of those who are hospitalized and dying are those who are unvaccinated. Numbers ranging from 95 to 99 percent. So very high numbers of those who are severely ill are the unvaccinated. I’ve also seen numbers that greater than 90 percent of those who are infected are those who are unvaccinated, compared to those with breakthrough infections. We also have a more recent CDC study that looked in the post-Delta world, after Delta became dominant, that a person who is vaccinated is twenty-nine times less likely to be hospitalized compared to somebody who is unvaccinated. And also, that a vaccinated person is five times less likely to contract COVID to get a breakthrough infection than someone who is unvaccinated. So I think there has been some confusion, probably because the messaging from the federal government has not always been great. And I’ve written about the CDC’s messaging issues also. But one of the—one of the things that came out is that I think there has been some misunderstanding about, well, who is more likely to spread COVID—somebody who is vaccinated or somebody who is unvaccinated? Even if it’s true that a vaccinated person and an unvaccinated person, once infected, could both carry the same amount of virus and be just as contagious—which we don’t even know that that’s true. But let’s—even if that’s true, a vaccinated person is five times less likely to get COVID in the first place compared to an unvaccinated person. So if it were me, and I had the choice to sit in a conference room with ten vaccinated people or ten unvaccinated people, I would choose the ten vaccinated people every single time because they are five times less likely individually to have COVID compared to the unvaccinated people. So I think that’s important to note. And I know this is not exactly what the question is asking about breakthrough infections, but I think many people are also asking—and all of you as officials might be getting this question too—of, well, what is the purpose of getting the vaccine if you can get a breakthrough infection? Well, here’s the answer: Nothing is 100 percent, right? (Laughs.) Nothing in life is 100 percent. We don’t stop wearing seatbelts because somebody who had a seatbelt was in a car accident that landed them in the hospital. I mean, that’s not—we don’t stop doing that. You don’t stop taking your insulin because you could still have an exacerbation of your diabetes. And in this case, there’s actually a direct link because if you—the more—so some people will often ask too, well, what is my risk of having a breakthrough infection. Your risk depends on how much virus is all around you. So if you are vaccinated, we know that the vaccines protect you very well but not 100 percent. That means that the more virus is around you because of the unvaccinated, the more likely you are to get exposed to COVID and to get ill. And I think that is really important to take into account. FASKIANOS: Thank you. I’m going to go next to Kevin de Leon, who’s raised his hand. Q: Thank you so much, Irina. And thank you so much for facilitating today’s conversation. And, Doctor, thank you so much for the information. Just a really quick comment and perhaps your thoughts. I mean, one of the concerns I have with regards to the CDC was the criteria when it came to who would be first in line when it came to the vaccination. And clearly in California we’ve lost over 66,000 individuals to COVID virus. Slightly under half of them are from L.A. County. And the vast majority of people of color, but in particular Latinos, Asian Americans, African Americans. So when the criteria was sixty-five-plus, for L.A. County, you know, to illuminate that statistical data point, that meant 86 percent of Latinos were not eligible to actually secure the vaccination. And many of them are frontline workers, essential workers, living in very dense neighborhoods with multi-generations under one roof—grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, kids. A lot of them did not have Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Kaiser, HealthMed, access to HMOs, PPOs, what have you, et cetera. Yet, they’re the one community who were most eviscerated and the ones who were standing in line waiting to pick up a box of food just to feed their children. And the only thing that’s standing between them living out on the streets and keeping a roof over their head is an eviction moratorium, which in L.A. actually extends one year. So for the future, with regards to the booster shot—a third, you know, vaccination—what are your thoughts with regards to targeting those communities that have been hit the hardest as opposed to the generic CDC 65-plus, at the time when the first wave of vaccinations were available? Thank you so much. WEN: Yeah. It’s a great question. And I also just want to mention that I grew up in the L.A. area. I grew up mainly in the East L.A. area, and I went to Cal State L.A. for undergrad. And so very much appreciate the work that you do from a personal standpoint, and certainly know of the communities that you’re referring to as well. So with booster shots—and, again, many questions around booster shots. What we know about the vaccines is that they continue to provide excellent protection against severe illness, but that it looks like their protection against milder breakthrough infections does appear to be waning over time, and especially with the predominance of the Delta variant. I’m actually not so concerned as I was in the first instance when we were first making vaccines available, because that was literally a life-or-death issue, as in in the process of waiting—especially some of these communities that you mentioned that are particularly vulnerable, that are frontline workers, that are communities of color, with low income, multigenerational housing, et cetera—that some of them could have died. If they had—if they had gotten vaccinated earlier, they might have survived. And so I think that’s a—that was a really big injustice, right? And that’s a huge inequity and that’s a major issue. I’m much less concerned now with the booster shots, because the boosters still protect—or, even without the booster, you’re still well-protected against severe illness. That said, I think—I hope that equity continues to be a focus for the Biden team going forward. But I also think that—you know, again, I’m just less—because this is not the life-threatening issue as it was in the first instance, I see it as a less pressing concern as it was before. FASKIANOS: Great. Thank you. There’s obviously a lot of misinformation. There are a few questions about this. Is it a crime for TV or radio personalities to knowingly misinform people on issues like COVID, or can they be held accountable? Is there anything the CDC or the federal government, can they mandate anything, you know, to deal with that? And just to talk a little bit about—there’s some misinformation about people who’ve gotten vaccinated who have died. So and that linkage that maybe they died because they got the shot. Can you talk a little bit about those numbers and put in perspective of, you know, other vaccines and the percentage? WEN: Sure. I mean, I think one of the difficulties with the numbers is there are people who just die, unfortunately, right? I mean, there are people every day who are dying unrelated to anything with COVID. But I think sometimes those deaths have very unfortunately been linked to the vaccine when that is really not the case. That said, there had been a handful—really a very small handful of individuals who actually have died because of—specific to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and the rare blood clotting issue associated with it. It’s really tragic, and we now know about this issue. But everything in life is about risk/benefit analysis. And in this case, when you look at the fact that 1,500 Americans are dying today because of COVID-19, and the number of lives that the vaccine is able to save, that’s the calculation that have to make at the end of the day. And so I think we really need to talk about how this is—these—we have vaccines for a reason. We don’t want people to get an illness that otherwise is preventable. The—by and large, the side effects are very mild, they are temporary, they are—people fully recover from them. And the—what we need to fear is COVID and not the vaccine. The other issue that—about misinformation I think is a really important one. I mean, the surgeon general, Dr. Vivek Murthy, has announced that misinformation is, in itself, a public health crisis. And I think that’s a very important point. But I think we also—you know, I’m not a lawyer, so I don’t know—I don’t know how to answer the question about accountability and information. But it is of course, as you all know, a challenging issue of free speech versus the necessity of providing—of providing accurate information. I think having—for me, I was born in China. My parents left China because of the crackdown on free speech. And so for me the idea of limiting people’s speech makes me very uncomfortable. But I also—(laughs)—you know, agree that there’s more that, in particular, social media platforms can be doing so that messages aren’t amplified. FASKIANOS: Right. Amy Cruver put in the chat: Can you share the studies that validate masking in the chat and discuss natural immunity compared to medical vaccines? I don’t know if you can share maybe some of those studies that we could send out to the group, or you could put in the chat, but we can also circulate it for people. I want to make sure we get you that information. WEN: Yeah. And actually, I’m going to put in the chat now all of my recent op-eds. And you can flip through. I’ve written a lot on children recently. But my most recent op-ed is exactly on this issue—which is on the so-called natural immunity versus immunity from vaccination. And, you know, my point in the op-ed is to say, look, if you recover from COVID, just as if you recover from other illnesses, you do get some level of immunity. We don’t know whether it’s better than or not as good as getting vaccinated. But we do know that if you get vaccinated on top of having COVID-19, of having recovered from COVID-19, you have even better immunity. My husband had COVID before the vaccines were widely made available. There was no question that I was going to recommend that he gets the vaccine. And in fact, we now know from a CDC study done in Kentucky that people who are fully vaccinated after recovery are—well, we’ll put it another way. People who are unvaccinated are twice as likely to get reinfected compared to people who got COVID and then got—and then the vaccine. The point that I was making in the op-ed is we should not wait for natural immunity. The price to pay is just too high. By the way, same thing for other vaccine-preventable diseases. We don’t wait for children to get measles, because a substantial portion of them are going to get brain damage. We don’t wait for people to get polio because a substantial portion will have irreversible paralysis. We don’t wait for people to get COVID, because people have long-term consequences, and brain fog, and could end up in the hospital and die. And so that’s why we have vaccines. FASKIANOS: OK. There’s a question—just to clarify something that you said. You said that COVID-19 is the top ten killer in children. Was that for all disease or all—just comparing to diseases or just death for children? So they wanted clarification. WEN: I believe it is death for children. Again, it’s one of the op-eds that I wrote recently that I will find for you and post in the chat. FASKIANOS: Great. All right. So I’m going to go next to Representative Lori Gramlich from Maine. Q: HI. Thank you. And thank you so much, Dr. Wen, for this opportunity. This is really informative. My question has to do with—Maine has done a really great job, in my opinion. And I’d love for you to partner with our CDC director, Dr. Nirav Shah. He’s been fantastic. But we have seen our seven-day average in Maine back in June be right around twenty COVID cases. And as of today, we’re up to 359 COVID cases, which is, you know, obviously an incredible increase. We have hospitals that are seeing increased COVID patients. And we’re really getting to a tipping point. And I’m sure Maine is not the only state where we will have little to no room for other patients with emergent issues. And I know that you can appreciate that as a physician. What kind of protocols do you, in your medical perspective, suggest that we try to implement in terms of folks that could prevent this from happening by getting the vaccine versus somebody that presents with a cardiac event who may not have a space in the hospital? This is really—this is really going to, I think, get much worse before it gets better. And I really appreciate your thought and perspective on that. Thank you so much for the work you do. WEN: Well and thank you for your work and leadership. And Dr. Shah is a friend and colleague who is doing great work. And so you’ve certainly got a wonderful top health official there. He is also the president of the—of ASTHO, which is the state and territorial health officials, and has been doing a wonderful job there as well. So I like the idea of listening of to Dr. Shah’s advice on the ground and his—and his public health guidance there in Maine. But, you know, I think that part of it is—I don’t have a good answer to your question. I mean, the easy answer, of course, is the—we need a combination of approaches. We need to increase vaccinations. We need to get regular testing—which we really need to do a lot more of, by the way. We haven’t talked today so much about testing. We talked about masking, but not so much about testing. Imagine if everyone were to be tested every week, or even twice a week? That would be—testing is not, in itself, a preventive measure, but if people are tested that regularly you’re going to pick up a lot—on a lot more cases that we otherwise might not have. I think part of the issue, and one that we as a country have not really wrestled with, is what is our end goal here? What is the endpoint? What’s the endgame, right? What are we aiming for? We’re not going to get to what Australia, New Zealand, and some of the Asian countries have tried of zero COVID. That’s just not going to happen. But are we OK if we reduce COVID to the level of the flu? I mean, are we going to be OK with about forty thousand deaths every year? Maybe. Right now we’re at half a million deaths a year. So I think getting down to forty thousand would certainly be better. But is that what we’re OK with? Are we OK just getting to the point that our hospitals are not getting so overwhelmed that patients with heart attacks can’t get care? I mean, what is our end goal? And I don’t think that we, as a society, have actually defined that. FASKIANOS: Great. Just going to—the concerns about how fast the vaccine was developed—how fast. The mRNA technology, and there’s been a lot of people worried because it was developed in less than a year. But can you talk about the underlying—what came before, so that it really ramped it up and we were in a good position for this vaccine? WEN: Yeah. I’m glad you mention this because this is one of the common questions that we get, is somehow about the speed of development. Well, this vaccine has—this platform for developing this vaccine has been undergoing science—a scientific research for over a dozen years. And so saying that this is new is not exactly an appropriate way of framing it. It’s a new vaccine because it’s a new disease. But the—because that technology was already developed for so long, this was essentially a plug and play. And that’s what it’s going to be going forward, that if there are new variants that end up developing you plug into this mRNA technology and it’s able to be used in the future. This vaccine, just like others, work in a similar way. Which is, the idea is that if you were to get exposed to a disease you would have immunity going forward. But instead of having you to go through that sickness, and disease, and potential death, instead you get exposed to a component that stimulates your immune system. That’s exactly what the mRNA does. Some people have questions about well somehow is this going to interfere with my DNA. Your DNA is in the nucleus of the cell. The mRNA never enters your nucleus. And so there is no chance that it’s going to be interfering with your DNA. And so I think those are important components to mention for those of you who have to—those of us who have to answer questions about the vaccine. FASKIANOS: Right. There is a question about symptom reductions from different viral treatments. We’ve heard a lot in the news about ivermectin and other things. Can you just talk about ivermectin and other early treatments, versus the monoclonal infusions? What’s the difference, et cetera? WEN: Yeah. Well, I think it’s really important to talk about what works and what doesn’t. We now know that if you have severe COVID that what works if you’re hospitalized are steroids, remdesivir and anti-viral medications, supportive treatment. And you could get ventilation, oxygen, et cetera, if you’re very severely ill. To prevent you from reaching that stage, once you have gotten a diagnosis of COVID, monoclonal antibodies made by Regeneron, Eli Lilly, et cetera—those are—we know that those help to prevent you from ending up in the hospital. So those are meant to be treatment that you get while you have mild illness early on in the course of your illness to prevent you from being hospitalized. There have been other things that have been studied. Plasma, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamin D, zinc. All these things have been studied as: Could they also keep you out of the hospital if you get mild illness? And so far, all the evidence points to no. Ivermectin is an antiparasitic that’s—we hear that it’s used in farm stock, I livestock, but it’s also used for parasites, for scabies. So it is a medication that’s used. There have been ten randomized controlled trials—a really great systematic review that was done in Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases last month—or, I think back in June, maybe—in June or July—that looked at these ten randomized control trials of ivermectin. And they found that even if they’re used in small dose, or large dose, or several days, or one time use, that it does not contribute to a reduction in hospitalization, or symptoms, or mortality. So ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, all these things are not—have not actually been found to be helpful in preventing or treating COVID. FASKIANOS: Great. And with that, I am sorry, but we are going to have to end early, because I know you have to react to this—President Biden’s announcement. So thank you all. There are so many questions, raised hands. I’m sorry we couldn’t get to you all. But, Dr. Wen, we really appreciate your spending these fifty minutes with us. It was really terrific. And for all the work that you have been doing. Again, I commend to you all Dr. Wen’s book, Lifelines. Also, in the Washington Post she has a new newsletter called “The Checkup with Dr. Wen.” So you should sign up for that. I have. And we will send out a link with—to this webinar so you can share it with your constituents, as well as some of the other resources she mentioned, studies. We’ll collect that up and send it to you all so you can look at it in detail. So thank you all again for being with us, and thank you for all the work that you’re doing, as well as you, Dr. Wen. You can follow here on Twitter too, @drleanawen. So take care, everybody. And please follow the State and Local Officials initiative on Twitter, @CFR_Local. You can go to CFR.org, ForeignAffairs.com for more expertise and analysis. And you can let us know how we can continue to support the important work that you’re doing by emailing us at [email protected]. So thank you all again. Take care. (END)
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