
Health Policy and Initiatives

  • Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    Data's Role in Preventing the Next Pandemic
    Over the past fifteen years, global health has been threatened by Ebola epidemics in West Africa, the emergence of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), the spread of Zika through the Americas,and the 2009 influenza pandemic. The tolls of each event have been exacerbated by inadequate data systems. Ongoing struggles to track the global spread of COVID-19 demonstrate the need to fix problems in existing surveillance for infectious diseases.
  • Public Health Threats and Pandemics
    Year Three: The Pandemic Continues
    As we enter year three of the COVID-19 pandemic, three leading global health experts examine how the United States and the world have dealt with the evolving situation, the lessons learned, and the way forward.
  • COVID-19
    The World Still Hasn’t Agreed on a Pandemic Playbook
    For two years, the world has been battling COVID-19 with masks, vaccines, and lockdowns. There have been impressive results and serious missteps, but countries have failed to channel their shared experiences into a blueprint for action.