• France
    The Arab Springs
    Related Reading:The New Arab Revolt: What Happened, What It Means, and What Comes Next, CFR ebook
  • International Organizations
    Three Challenges for New IMF Director
    New IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has to move quickly to establish independence from the European authorities who got her the job, enhance the IMF’s legitimacy, and display her ability to manage the fund, says CFR’s Steven Dunaway.
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
    Gbagbo Makes For the Exit as Ouattara Prepares His Entrance
    A tank burns by the roadside after heavy fighting in Ivory Coast's main city Abidjan, April 5, 2011. (Staff Photogrpaher/Courtesy Reuters) As Gbagbo negotiates his surrender, Ouattara prepares to become president, a role that begins with the difficult work of rebuilding his country. He has significant advantages. First, he won the elections, which the international community regarded as credible. Second, he has been deeply involved in Ivorian political life for a long time. Third, he has an international reputation from his time at the IMF, which is positive. Fourth, in his struggle with Gbagbo, he had the support of the international community, which is likely to cut him a lot of slack. He will however need to reach out to Gbagbo’s core supporters, and that will require significant political skill.
  • Germany
    Merkel’s Sinking Support
    German Chancellor Angela Merkel faces dwindling support because of "dithering" on the euro crisis and Germans’ opposition to having troops in Afghanistan, says Germany expert William Drozdiak.
  • France
    French Military Strategy and NATO Reintegration
    France’s move to rejoin NATO’s integrated military command structure reflects a shift in French strategic thinking about new reliance on allies and diminished projection of unilateral power abroad.
  • France
    The Financial Crisis: A European Perspective
    As the financial crisis spreads across the Atlantic, Europe’s four largest economies are working to formulate a coordinated response. At the end of what promises to be a significant week for Europe, join French Finance Minister Christine Lagarde for a European perspective of the financial crisis and a discussion of possible policy options.