• Elections and Voting
    Shushkevich: Belarusian Election A Farce
    One of the Belarusian opposition’s few elder statesmen, Stanislav Shushkevich, says the March 19 presidential polls were “absolutely falsified.” In an interview with cfr.org from Minsk, he discusses the election, life in Belarus under President Alexander Lukashenka, and prospects for a peaceful revolt similar to those in Ukraine or Georgia.
  • Belarus
    Glacel: Belarusian Opposition Gaining Speed but No Revolution in Sight
    Amid signs of slipping popularity, Belarus’ authoritarian leader Alexander Lukashenka is expected to win a new presidential term on March 19. An official with a prominent Western polling group tells cfr.org Lukashenka is gaining less support from educated, urban youth but will still likely claim a commanding victory.