
Pressure Points

Elliott Abrams discusses U.S. foreign policy, focusing on the Middle East and democracy and human rights.

Latest Post

The United Nations General Assembly Votes to Remove Jews from Jerusalem's Old City

The most recent UN General Assembly resolution on Israel and the Palestinians is a radical strike at Israel and would push Jews out of the Old City of Jerusalem. Read More

Human Rights
Human Rights NGOs: "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?"
International human rights NGOs are important champions of basic human rights, but must be subject to careful assessment themselves.
The Ukraine War, China, and Taiwan            
What lessons will Xi Jinping learn from the war in Ukraine?
The Heroism of Vladimir Kara-Murza
The Russian democracy activist Vladimir Kara-Murza has been imprisoned, and his heroism must be saluted.
  • United Nations
    The Biden Administrations Flirts With Dangerous Moves to Weaken U.S. Veto Power in the United Nations
    The U.N. General Assembly is debating a move to weaken veto power in the Security Council, and the Biden administration is supporting the draft. But weakening the veto is clearly against U.S. interests.