
Pressure Points

Elliott Abrams discusses U.S. foreign policy, focusing on the Middle East and democracy and human rights.

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The United Nations General Assembly Votes to Remove Jews from Jerusalem's Old City

The most recent UN General Assembly resolution on Israel and the Palestinians is a radical strike at Israel and would push Jews out of the Old City of Jerusalem. Read More

The Debate Over Military Aid to Israel
There is a new debate over cutting military aid to Israel, but the arguments for doing so are poor.
Chevron, the Biden Administration, and the Maduro Regime
Concessions to the Maduro regime in Venezuela have permitted Chevron to produce more oil there, but have brought only more repression. 
Kara-Murza's Courage is a Message to All of Us
Vladimir Kara-Murza's courageous words this week in a Moscow courtroom remind us of the value of liberty and the need to defend it.
  • Israel
    Netanyahu's Invitation to Washington
    The delay in inviting Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Washington has been a foolish effort to intervene in Israeli politics while dangers in the Middle East have grown.
  • Israel
    The Daily Interference in Israel's Internal Affairs
    The Biden administration continues to interfere in Israel's internal debate over the role of the judiciary, most recently adding unfair criticism of how demonstrations are being handled by police.