Nigeria Security Tracker: Weekly Update September 6- September 12
from Africa in Transition

Nigeria Security Tracker: Weekly Update September 6- September 12

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Sub-Saharan Africa


Terrorism and Counterterrorism

Wars and Conflict

Heads of State and Government

Below is a visualization and description of some of the most significant incidents of political violence in Nigeria from September 6 to September 12, 2014. These incidents will be included in the Nigeria Security Tracker.

  • September 6: Boko Haram took over Gulak in Adamawa, killing an estimated forty.
  • September 6: The Nigerian military raided a Boko Haram hideout in Kawuri, Borno, killing fifty insurgents.
  • September 6: Cameroonian soldiers killed over one hundred Boko Haram fighters in Fokotol, Cameroon.
  • September 7: Boko Haram attacked Michika, Adamawa, killing at least thirty.
  • September 8: Boko Haram attacked Mubi, Adamawa, killing twenty-four soldiers and injuring former President Obasanjo’s son.
  • September 9: Boko Haram killed over one hundred when they attacked Hong, Adamawa.
  • September 10: Boko Haram invaded two towns in Hawul, Borno, killing three.
  • September 12: Soldiers killed one hundred and fifty Boko Haram insurgents during an attack on Konduga, Borno.

More on:

Sub-Saharan Africa


Terrorism and Counterterrorism

Wars and Conflict

Heads of State and Government