
Macro and Markets

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Headquarters of Sberbank, one of the Russian institutions under U.S. sanctions
Headquarters of Sberbank, one of the Russian institutions under U.S. sanctions REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin

Have Sanctions Become the Swiss Army Knife of U.S. Foreign Policy?

The Congress takes an important, positive step to reinforce Russian sanctions, but are we at risk of overusing the sanctions tool? Read More

Currencies Are Easy, Policies Are Hard
Now that Greek voters have voted “no” in the referendum, the government is engaged in a last-ditch effort to reach agreement with its creditors on policies and financing; if an agreement is not reached soon, a rapid move to a new currency appears likely. Among those who hope for or predict an agreement between Greece and its creditors that would keep it in the eurozone, there is a widely held belief that introduction of a new currency will be difficult, perhaps prohibitively so. Amid crisis and chaos, efforts by a discredited Greek government to reintroduce the drachma (or some new currency with a different name) would lead to further economic chaos, rapid depreciation, and hyperinflation, the story goes. Some have argued that a currency reform would fail, leaving Greece euroized like Montenegro—without an effective currency and operating on the euro but outside of the eurozone. In fact, the opposite is the case—introducing a new currency is the easy part; much harder is the task of building a social consensus—inside or outside of the euro—for sustainable and growth-promoting economic policies in Greece. Drachma or Euro: The Pressure to Decide Much of the discussion about whether Greece should remain in the euro has focused on whether it is truly a part of Europe’s optimal currency area, and whether there is a path for Greece within the eurozone where it can be competitive and grow. Even those who believe the answer is “yes”—including the IMF—acknowledge that the path for success is narrow. There is likely one last chance to reach agreement on a comprehensive agreement that combines significant policy reform with up-front debt reduction and adequate financial support. As of this writing, Greek banks remain closed and ATMs are about to run out of euros. This means that the formal payments system consists of electronic transfers between Greek citizens into accounts whose balances cannot be converted into cash. The economy, to the extent that it is operating, relies almost exclusively on barter. In this environment, Greece shows three characteristics common to many countries that have chosen to reform or change their currencies: (i) a government that was unable to finance essential services (i.e., a fiscal crisis); (ii) a government that sees politically unacceptable distributional consequences to remaining fully reliant on barter; and (iii) a government that has sufficient legal and political control to enforce the currency used in commerce within its borders. The government could begin to issue IOUs to address the fiscal issue, but not the distributional costs of the bank closures. There is a broad group of Greeks, including pensioners, who rely on cash from ATMs to survive. An IOU, unless it can be easily bartered for goods and services, will not address their concerns. In some cases—for example Argentina before it exited its currency board in 2002—a market for such IOUs developed that allowed cash to circulate within the economy. The deep discount on those IOUs then became a proxy for the value of the new currency that ultimately replaced them. Here, however, without a credible bank-based payments system, it is hard to see such a market surviving in Greece. In this environment, the pressure to change currency policy is substantial and immediate. The critical question from this perspective is not whether such a move meets the test of an optimal currency area. That question is usually answered with an assessment of whether the geographic and policy situation makes the currency an effective store of value, unit of account, and medium of exchange—the well-established purposes economists look to in assessing the efficiency of money. Rather, it’s whether the state has the authority to implement the move—that is, can it force citizens to accept the new currency within the country’s borders. And from this perspective, even amidst the chaos, the answer in Greece is a “yes”. This idea, that decisions on currency are ultimately driven by questions of state power, is what Charles Goodhart has called the “cartelist” theory of money. As Goodhart and others have pointed out, there is a strand running through cases as diverse as the Roman’s use of a cow (or “pecus”) standard for its currency, the U.S. confederacy’s rapid introduction of a new currency after the Civil War began, or the break-up of the former Soviet Union: the evolution of money is linked to the needs of the state to increase its power to command resources through monetization of its spending and taxing power. Currency Reform Lessons A successful currency reform requires a number of conditions be met over the medium term, including implementing legislation, issuance of new notes and coins, and measures to recapitalize and reopen the banking system. (Joe Gagnon has a very nice discussion of what is needed.) But there is a rich diversity of experience with the introduction of a new currency, which reminds us that this rarely happens by the book, particularly when the change is driven by an economic crisis. In the extreme, introduction of a new currency can be as easy as the government stamping the existing notes with a mark as a transitional measure until the new currency is designed and printed. Brazil’s transition from the cruzeiro to the real began by establishing “units of real value” as market-based units of account, and gradually adding other functions as the currency moved to have status as a legal tender. These moves were back by fiscal consolidation.  The Real Plan showed that a gradual transition can soften concerns about weak monetary institutions. Analysts also often point to the breakup of the former Soviet Union for examples of countries that moved to introduce their own currency only after detailed planning and preparation. But, of course, that was not always the case. In June 1992, months before the total collapse of the ruble-zone was a certainty, Estonia was the first of fourteen countries to break from the currency union. Over a long summer weekend, Estonia abandoned the monetary union and relaunched the kroon as the sole legal tender. The Bank of Estonia, which a year earlier had had only twenty-five employees, had neither the experience nor institutional capacity that the Bank of Greece has today; and tensions with Russia/CIS made it difficult to discuss settlement arrangements for a currency transition. As a result, the currency fluctuated wildly at first, though it eventually stabilized and provided support for the subsequent economic transition. Tight fiscal policy and structural reforms complemented the rigidity of the currency board, and eased Estonia into a market economy. There are costs to these types of transitions, notably in a reduced credibility of the new currency. A rapid introduction of a new currency raises the risk of counterfeiting, fraud, or abuse. But, in the end, it is overall macroeconomic and structural policies that are most important to determining the success of the new currency, rather than logistic or legal questions. Currency transitions must be accompanied by simultaneous structural reforms that enhance the credibility of the new currency and support the transformation of the economy. I have argued elsewhere that there is one last chance to get a deal that keeps Greece within the eurozone, and if that fails an exit makes most sense for Greece and for Europe.  But absent a better policy mix than has been seen so far, depreciation and default will not provide the basis for long-term growth. Today, achieving these structural reforms appears a hard task for any Greek government.
From Greece, a Resounding ’No!’
With around 60 percent of the vote counted in Greece, the No vote is 61 percent—a surprisingly wide victory for the Tsipras government. Fully 2/3 of young voters voted No.  What happens next? 1.  No major change in the deal on the table. Statements from European leaders in recent days showed a wide variety of views about whether a No vote in Greece would mark an irrevocable break with Europe. Outside Greece, it is easy to see this vote as a decisive call to exit Europe. Nonetheless, policymakers’ instinct is to leave the door to negotiations open, and it is my belief is that there is sufficient will on both sides to make one last effort to get a deal. But it will not come easily given the lack of trust between the parties and the still meaningful differences in policy measures that exist. Further, the policies that were voted on today have lapsed.  Any new package of policies and financing would need to be recreated and approved by all parliaments, which is a high hurdle. European leaders will need to coordinate their position first; tomorrow’s meeting between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande is just a first step. Last week’s IMF report calling for debt relief in support of strong policies adds to the debate but shouldn’t be over read—in the near term I do not expect to see much change in the deal on the table. If the Greek government believes, as they say publicly, that a “No” vote will allow them to have their way, they will be badly disappointed, and such hopes are an impediment to any deal. 2.  All eyes on the European Central Bank. The ECB meets tomorrow to review a request from the Greek central bank to expand emergency assistance (ELA). Without an increase, the banks cannot reopen and the ATMs will be out of currency by Tuesday. By the letter of the law, the ECB should not increase liquidity to now-insolvent Greek banks. Indeed, they should increase the collateral required for the liquidity they have already provided.  But if there was a time for forbearance, this could be it. A decision to increase the ELA by a small amount—perhaps €3-5 billion—would be seen as an important good-faith gesture and would keep the ATMs working for a few more days, during which one last effort to negotiate could take place. Once the euros are gone, the pressure on the government will increase dramatically and a decision to create a new currency could be days away. 3.  Large external debt payments loom, but it’s domestic payments that could force the issue. Much of the focus is on €3.5 billion owed to European institutions on July 20 as a decisive moment. But without a deal in the works the Greek government may have difficulty rolling over domestic debt that comes due on July 10.  In the end, its the domestic dislocations that will determine the path forward.
Greek Polls Close; Surveys Say No
The polls have closed in Greece and the initial surveys show a narrow win for the "No" side.  One GPO poll, for example, had Yes at 48.5%, No at 51.5%, within the margin of error; others also show a No lead of 3-4 points.  As I understand it, these polls are not exit polls--they were done by phone rather than as voters exited.  Phone polls are quite sensitive to assumptions about those difficult to reach, including the elderly (a majority who are expected to vote yes) and the youth (expected to vote no by a large majority). So, too early to call.  Despite this uncertainty, the major Greek TV stations are all predicting a victory for the No side, rejecting the policy measures earlier offered by creditors. The government has talked of seeking to immediately restart negotiations with creditors, but European governments appear divided over how to respond.  German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande reportedly will meet tomorrow; ahead of that the focus will be a meeting of the ECB Board tomorrow to decide whether to extend additional emergency liquidity to Greek banks.  Without a positive decision, the banks will run out of notes within a day or so, which could be a forcing event for the Greek government.  
  • Europe
    Yes or No, Greece Needs Debt Relief
    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has released their most recent debt sustainability analysis for Greece and, while it doesn’t include the devastation resulting from this week’s bank and capital controls, it makes for sober reading. Its bottom line is that, even if Greece were to commit to the policies now being proposed by the creditors, and were to fully implement them, Greece will need over €50 billion in financing over the next three years (see table), and require long-term debt relief through extraordinary maturity extensions and concessional interest rates. Factor in the damage in the past week, and the likelihood of further slippage in the best of scenarios, and the message is clear:  however the referendum turns out this weekend, actual debt haircuts eventually will be needed as part of any successful reform program for Greece within the eurozone. Source: International Monetary Fund With this document, the IMF is firmly differentiating itself from Germany and Greece’s other creditors in putting “a significant debt operation” squarely on the table, while at the same time still calling for ambitious structural reforms that until now the Greek government has been unwilling to accept.  This is consistent with past IMF statements, though more powerful because it is explicit and detailed in its analysis.  The Fund also is signalling that they do not want to provide financing for any deal that doesn’t meet these conditions, though whether they can really say no to their major shareholders if it comes to that remains to be seen.  That said, given the IMF’s identification with austerity in the minds of the Greek public, a bailout without IMF money may be politically more viable within Greece than one that includes a Fund arrangement. Where does this leave us? The referendum will take place this Sunday, as scheduled. Recent polls seem to be leaning to a yes vote, but no one should feel they can predict the outcome with any confidence. If there is a no vote, most analysts see a Greek exit from the eurozone as likely. The government will see itself with a mandate to maintain a tough line, and creditor governments will be unlikely to make further concessions. The limited global market turmoil to date will further strengthen confidence that Europe can weather the contagion that results from Greek exit. If there is a yes vote, conventional wisdom is that the Greek government would fall. But the politics of any possible realignment are sharply constrained by the deteriorating domestic economy. It will take significant additional liquidity from the European Central Bank (ECB) to reopen Greece’s banks, and that presumably will require agreement on policies. I am further skeptical that the payments system will work well in the absence of physical euros, given uncertainties about whether the banks will reopen or whether deposits are safe. IOUs would allow the government to continue basic services, but would not prevent the further collapse of private activity. If this is the case, Greece may have only a short period in which to decide to take a deal that provides the basis for an ECB decision to reopen the banks, or alternatively move to introduce a new currency. Yes or no on Sunday, it is worth trying to see if the IMF framework can be agreed. Greece’s European creditors will have to overcome understandably deep resistance to debt reduction for this deal to be on offer after Sunday’s referendum. A Tsipras government with a reorganized economic team should have the capacity to accept this offer. If either side lacks the will to close such a deal, Greek exit from the eurozone will be the best option.
  • Europe
    A New Greek Proposal? (updated)
    There are reports this morning that the Greek government has made a new proposal (PDF) to break the deadlock, involving a two-year bailout program to be funded from European facilities (e.g., ESM) and with explicit debt relief, but without the IMF financial involvement. Eurozone finance ministers will review the proposal in a call tonight. Details are still limited, and I do not expect any agreement today (i.e., the IMF payment will be missed).  But a few initial thoughts. For this to be acceptable to creditors, the Greek government would need to accept the policy proposal tabled by creditors on Friday, with very minor modifications. This would represent an extraordinary U-turn by the Greek government, and breach all their previously stated red lines. Initial reports on the proposal do not mention policies, only the request for an extension of financing that on its own would be rejected.  I have no sense of the government’s motives, but it is possible that the significant distortions associated with the banks closing were a factor in the decision to make a new proposal. If agreement can be reached on policies and there is a commitment to renewed negotiations on financing/debt relief (the German government has said actual financing negotiations must come after the referendum), the government could then campaign for a yes vote in this weekend’s referendum, relieving pressure on the government to step down if the yes side wins. Agreement on policies would potentially allow the ECB to increase emergency liquidity under its ELA program, a necessary condition for banks to reopen.  This is a very narrow path to navigate. Because the previous bailout program expires tonight, entirely new financing arrangements would need to be devised. On the negative side, this is a much heavier lift because a new financial program would need fresh approval from parliaments already exhausted by the Greek saga. On the positive side, an underappreciated point is that by starting with a clean sheet of paper it gives parity to debt relief proposals that had been ruled out previously because they were not in the program.  I think both the IMF and U.S. government would support the greater emphasis on debt relief. Another last minute and chaotic scramble—not a great way to run policy.