Happy Birthday to Us!
from Net Politics and Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program
from Net Politics and Digital and Cyberspace Policy Program

Happy Birthday to Us!

CFR Net Politics Cyber Readership Survey
CFR Net Politics Cyber Readership Survey

October 21, 2015 9:00 am (EST)

CFR Net Politics Cyber Readership Survey
CFR Net Politics Cyber Readership Survey
Blog posts represent the views of CFR fellows and staff and not those of CFR, which takes no institutional positions.

One year ago today, we launched the Net Politics blog as a venue for discussion and debate on Internet policy issues, with a particular focus on cybersecurity, digital trade, privacy, and Internet governance.

Since then, 180 posts on all of those topics (and then some) have been published. There have been interviews with prominent officials, including the director of the National Security Agency and Microsoft’s general counsel, guest posts on topics as varied as the security of industrial control systems to Brazil’s Marco Civil, and posts from our regular contributors on the Trans-Pacific Partnership, China’s regulations for tech in the banking sector, and the China-U.S. cyber agreement.

To ensure that this blog’s second year of existence is better than the first, I’d like to hear from you. How often do you read the blog? What topics should we be covering? How can we tailor the content to match what you want to read? Please take a moment to fill out the short survey below. For those who find tin foil fashionable, we’ll keep your answers as confidential as Google protects its data.

For those of you who read our posts via e-mail, you can access a copy of the survey here.

Thanks for reading. We appreciate the support over the year, and we look forward to whatever the next 180 posts bring.
