
Energy Realpolitik

Amy Myers Jaffe delves into the underlying forces shaping global energy.

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U.S. President Donald Trump appears before workers at Cameron LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Export Facility in Hackberry, Louisiana, U.S., May 14, 2019.
U.S. President Donald Trump appears before workers at Cameron LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Export Facility in Hackberry, Louisiana, U.S., May 14, 2019. REUTERS/Leah Millis

U.S. Natural Gas: Once Full of Promise, Now in Retreat

This is a guest post by Gabriela Hasaj, Research Associate to the Military Fellowship Program at the Council on Foreign Relations. Tessa Schreiber, intern for Energy and U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, contributed to this blog post. Read More

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia’s Oil Vision and the Oil Price Cycle
Saudi Arabia’s oil industry is on the move with strategic changes in leadership, investments, and a broadening of its global businesses. The moves, which include larger investments in refining and petrochemicals as well as global natural gas, should help the kingdom weather the large changes coming in global energy markets. Studies show that integration across the petroleum value chain can enhance long range profits for large businesses like Saudi Aramco. Saudi Arabia has also focused efforts on reducing the swings of the oil price cycle through its leadership to broker production cut agreements between the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and other major producers like Russia (OPEC plus). Speaking at the sidelines of a major energy gathering, Saudi Arabia’s new oil minister, Prince Abdul Aziz Bin Salman, whose long service in the highest ranks of the Saudi oil sector spans multiple oil boom and bust cycles, told reporters that the OPEC plus alliance “was staying for the long term.”  Even as Saudi Arabia positions itself for the future, current challenges to Saudi aspirations for a higher oil price remain thorny. Continuation of the U.S.-China trade war has raised fears of a recession in Asia, a major growth market for oil use. The Asian economic flu of 1998 ushered in a period of low oil prices. Prospects that more oil will be coming to markets from Iran is another headwind for oil prices. Deterioration of U.S.-China trade relations creates a disincentive for China to abide by U.S. sanctions against Iranian oil exports. French efforts to keep the Iranian nuclear deal afloat is another similar wildcard on the level of Iran’s oil exports. Iraq’s production is also at record levels and the United Arab Emirates is still moving ahead with its plans to increase its oil production capacity to 4 million b/d by the end of 2020. Limited OPEC spare oil production capacity is one factor that has underpins oil prices. Oil price edged higher earlier this summer amid Iranian attacks on shipping and oil installations in and around the Strait of Hormuz but ultimately concerns about a possible weakening in oil demand were attributed as a key variable acting to keep a lid on oil price levels. Markets are also still adjusting to the role U.S. tight oil plays in potentially shortening the oil price cycle. While the U.S. shale industry aggregated capitalization was battered in 2018 in the U.S. stock market, leading some to predict a slowdown in U.S. crude oil output growth, cost-cutting and automation is expected to turn the tide for many companies. Rystad Energy reported that the grouping of the 40 top dedicated U.S. shale companies achieved positive cash flow in the second quarter of 2019, indicating that dilemma OPEC faces in trying to underpin oil prices. The hedging practices of the shale industry also influences the oil cycle. As prices rise, shale producers have moved to lock in prices in futures markets, which in effect adds selling pressures in futures markets upticks. In a presentation to investors, for example, Occidental Petroleum revealed that it hedging program covered a sizable 300,000 b/d of production via a three way collar hedge structure for 2020 that included a short put at $45 (floor sold price), a long put at $55 (floor purchase price) and a short call (ceiling sold price) at $74.09 in addition to selling similarly priced call options in 2021. Non-OPEC production continued to be on the rise this summer, with sizable gains from Brazil and Norway. U.S. oil production is set to gain close to 1 million barrels a day in 2020. U.S. oil production including natural gas liquids was up almost 2 million barrels a day between June 2018 and June 2019. OPEC’s 2019 agreement was helped along by an extended contamination problem at Russia’s Druzhba crude oil pipeline and caused Russian production to hit a three-year low of 10.8 million barrels a day in July 2019. It remains to be seen what Russia’s position will be as its pact with OPEC comes due for renewal in early 2020. The state of U.S. oil production and the overall health of the global economy will likely be pivotal variables. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, the architect of Saudi oil policy, discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the G-20 meetings in Osaka Japan lay the groundwork for the current OPEC plus production agreement. But the Russian leader has also expressed in the past satisfaction with current oil prices of $60 a barrel, a level in line with current prices.
United States
Geopolitics in a Liberalizing LNG Market: A Primer
This is a guest post by Brian Myers, a graduate student at the Center for Global Affairs at New York University. While the U.S.-China trade war has cast a pall over the previous rosy outlook for global liquefied natural gas (LNG) markets, the signing of new financing deals for U.S. LNG exports has brought room for renewed optimism that rising U.S. natural gas production can find a home abroad. The trend, if sustained, could alter the geopolitics of gas and help U.S. developers even in the face of declining interest from China. LNG now comprises 60 percent of China’s natural gas imports and the country is seeking a more diversified slate of imports. The U.S. delivered 2.9 billion cubic meters per annum (bcma) of LNG to China in 2017, roughly 15 percent of all U.S. LNG exports. Shipments began robustly in 2018 but then trickled to a stop in the latter part of the year. Only 0.3 bcma of imported U.S. LNG reached China in the first half of 2019. While it seemed that trade disputes could slow U.S. LNG development, recent financing deals show that growing liquidity in LNG markets are in the U.S. favor as the global natural gas market shifts to a more commoditized paradigm. U.S. LNG developer Tellurian and French supermajor Total SA reached an agreement in July of 2019 that quietly added some momentum to a growing commoditization reshaping liquefied natural gas (LNG) finance, with potential geopolitical consequences. Total agreed to take an equity stake in Tellurian’s Driftwood liquefaction project for $500 million, in exchange for offtake from the project’s LNG shipments and purchase of $200 million in Tellurian shares. Tellurian will finance much of the project with commercial debt from Driftwood Holdings LLC. The “equity/cost model” being used for Driftwood and other similar projects reflects a progression towards a more liberalized LNG market away from rigid, government to government sponsored financial arrangements of the past such as trade credits or long term government-backed loans combined with equity stakes. Tellurian must now finalize the remaining details for the $28 billion Driftwood project, which has a tentative purchase agreement from India’s Petronet and a deal with trader Vitol to invest and purchase natural gas. The Driftwood LNG terminal near Lake Charles Louisiana would be the largest privately-funded infrastructure project in the United States. Industry officials believe that the Total-Tellurian deal signals an emerging LNG market structure featuring abundant supply sources that will allow for destination flexibility, shorter-term contracts, larger volumes of spot transactions, and critically, a diminution of government involvement. Commercialization of the LNG industry away from state financial sponsorship has been driven by global competition in the private sector to meet potential global demand growth of 40-65 million tons per annum (MMtpa). As demand for LNG rises, the second wave of U.S. projects currently in development is expected to benefit. However, market liberalization faces resistance from powerful energy market players: Saudi Arabia, Russia, and China. All three countries look poised to use their geopolitical positions to influence outcomes in the LNG space. LNG is natural gas that has been cooled and liquefied, which concentrates its volume so that it can be economically transported on tankers and shipped around the world. Natural gas is also exported by pipeline, but this transport mode typically limits cross border sales to regional trade, given the expense to building long-distance pipelines. In contrast to regional pipeline networks, LNG is a globally traded commodity. The LNG industry began as a way for natural gas that would otherwise have been stranded by limited regional pipeline capacity to reach international markets. Algeria became the world’s first LNG exporting country in the 1960’s and since then, Qatar, Australia, and Russia have become the largest LNG exporters. In nascent years, LNG sellers indexed their prices to regional baskets of crude oil in contracts that often stretched out twenty years or longer. Purchase agreements were highly influenced by the role of governments, since reliability was a major concern and development of liquefaction (export) and regasification (import) terminals was extremely capital intensive, sometimes reaching $20 billion or more and requiring years before they can load or receive a cargo. This reality gave LNG a geopolitical tinge that remains to this day. Now, the U.S. shale revolution is rapidly altering the geopolitics of natural gas. By combining horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, the United States suddenly became home to some of the most prolific natural gas producing basins in the world. As the U.S. shale phenomenon has grown, so has U.S. associated gas production from tight crude oil wells in the giant Permian Basin, among other locations. The United States also has cheap, prolific dry gas fields in the Haynesville and Marcellus shale plays. All this has contributed to an abundance of U.S. domestic natural gas supplies, creating impetus to find export markets. As the U.S. oil and gas industry shifted gears from scarcity to abundance, many LNG import terminal projects were reconstructed as export terminals to alleviate an oversupplied U.S. gas market. Prices at the main U.S. natural gas trading and storage hub, called Henry Hub, emerged as a cheap, liquid, and reliable pricing benchmark for North American gas. Henry Hub now has sufficient volume and liquidity to serve not only as the U.S. domestic pricing benchmark but as a potential benchmark index for U.S. LNG export sales, often giving U.S. exports an advantage over more expensive oil-indexed LNG prices. The gas-on-gas indexed LNG sales, such as those tied to a Henry Hub spot market average, has reduced buyer exposure to price volatility in oil markets and allowed abundant natural gas supplies to decouple from geopolitically-driven inflation in oil prices. Recent flare ups in the Strait of Hormuz and their divergent influence on oil and LNG markets exemplify the benefits of gas-on-gas LNG prices. The first wave of U.S. LNG export terminals differed from their global predecessors such as Qatargas and Atlantic LNG in that they were not underpinned by government to government dealings. U.S.-based and private developer Cheniere began the first wave of projects and created a template for all other private U.S. developers in which there was no direct government finance. Cheniere’s merchant template was mostly a function of the United States’ liberalized, market-oriented approach to energy. Now, large international oil companies (IOC) like ConocoPhillips and ExxonMobil, as well as smaller developers like Tellurian, have followed Cheniere’s market- oriented approach. But as Tellurian’s “equity/cost model” suggests, LNG finance for the next wave of LNG export plants could bring even more market flexibility, reducing the need for long run, final destination offtake contracts. To secure project finance with less debt, smaller developers are selling equity stakes in projects that allow investors preferential access to the terminal’s LNG. The “equity/cost model” is allowing second wave developers to tap interest in the growing LNG market where rising liquidity is eventually expected to substitute for guaranteed multi-decade supply contracts. The new financing model presumably will lessen the risk that geopolitical events or a temporary recession will derail a particular project compared to other facilities. Large IOC players like Total are taking more of a portfolio approach to their LNG businesses, building up a variety of opportunities instead of dedicating output in a point to point manner from one particular gas field or terminal to one or two specific government-backed buyers. American natural gas production is uniquely suited to act as backstop supply in an increasingly liquid spot market—allowing U.S. LNG to usurp market share from more geopolitically risky producers. These trends signal changes in geopolitical headwinds that ultimately favor the United States. However, China’s large role as a buyer in the global LNG market means any loss in economic growth in the country could put a damper on not only marginal demand for U.S. LNG but for LNG supplies from elsewhere such as Australia and Africa. China is set to become the fiercest battleground for LNG sellers, hoping to benefit from Beijing’s rising concerns about air pollution and energy supply diversity. Natural gas demand in China is expected to soar to 450 bcm in 2030, up from 280 bcm in 2018. This opportunity has mobilized investment in every link in the global LNG supply chain. Not to be left out, U.S. sellers are considering new financing mechanisms that obviate the need for China to take an equity stake in export terminals. But the U.S.-China trade war remains a potent geopolitical force despite a liberalizing market. The United States’ role in LNG supply to China has been marginalized—only four LNG vessels have landed in the country since tariffs on the fuel went into effect in September 2018. Some analysts believe short-term effects on U.S. producers will be limited; but the trade war clearly delayed some U.S. developers from finding equity investors in 2018. Chinese buyers have turned to Australia, Mozambique, and Russia for long run natural gas supply. In fact, Russia has become one of the beneficiaries from the U.S.-China trade war. Russia’s extensive natural gas pipeline network has been a critical component of European energy supply and European reliance on Russian gas persists because of the very favorable economics of piped gas to Europe compared to LNG. But Europe has also invested heavily in renewables and LNG receiving terminals, making it easier for Europe to limit growth in the percentage of Russian gas supply in its energy mix. Aware of this potential threat to its market share, Russia has moved to develop LNG infrastructure in the Arctic and Yamal regions (using the equity/cost model) to expand its flexibility and reach to other markets. Still, Moscow’s overall natural gas export strategy shows that it still feels its pipeline networks are central to promote guaranteed offtake and reduce merchant risk. That is why it has been pushing for a natural gas pipeline connection to China. The Power of Siberia pipeline represents a concerted Russian effort to lock in the Chinese market. The two countries signed a 30-year sale and purchase agreement that will supply 38 bcma of China’s 280.30 bcma gas demand (2018). Russia is playing a game most other gas exporters cannot: a sustained emphasis on piped gas because it can physically reach disparate markets and undercut LNG prices while also building out LNG infrastructure to compete effectively in other parts of the liberalizing global market. Russia is also drawn to the geopolitical benefits of pipelines, along with their favorable economics. Creating reliance on its gas through a point-to-point pipeline that Moscow controls, Russia maintains leverage on the energy security of its buyers. Natural gas, and the pipelines that transport it, can be tools of economic statecraft that accrue intangible geopolitical benefits to the supplying country, cementing relations in other spheres. Yet, despite its large position in both the pipeline and LNG market, Russia’s leverage vis-à-vis buyers weakens as more LNG volumes are traded on a liquid spot market. Russia could be forced to accept painfully low prices for piped gas if it seeks to maintain market share in the face of abundant global supplies. As Saudi Arabia thinks about its future as a global energy supplier, it is also thoughtfully considering its role in global natural gas markets. Unlike Russia, which has a large position in both oil and gas markets, Saudi Arabia has in the past chosen to play a dominant role in oil and petrochemical markets. But changing conditions for the future energy transition has prompted the kingdom to think more broadly about its long-range strategy. Saudi Aramco’s recent deal with U.S. developer Sempra Energy for a stake in an LNG export terminal reflects a significant shift for the national oil company (NOC) and is a major commercial and geopolitical development. The state-owned oil giant agreed to purchase 5 MMtpa of LNG and a 25% equity stake in the planned Port Arthur liquefaction facility in Texas. Saudi Aramco’s decisions move markets and by agreeing to the same financial arrangement used in a commercialized U.S. LNG space, it has buttressed the liberalizing trend in LNG markets. If the world’s largest NOC eschewed a direct intergovernmental agreement for LNG investing and instead prefers to participate in the growing open market, it shows how strong the trend towards commoditization is in the future global gas market. Aramco’s acquisition is also geopolitical significant. Many countries in the region are oil and gas producers while Saudi Arabia relies heavily on oil to sustain the kingdom’s economy. As global oil demand slows in the coming two decades and LNG demand surges, diversification of energy assets is critical for Saudi Arabia to remain competitive with both regional rivals and other global energy suppliers that export both oil and gas. The investment also strengthens Saudi Aramco’s commercial ties to the United States. In the face of LNG market liberalization and increased global competition, the U.S. diplomats seem to lack a clear international strategy. The capitalist system in which U.S. LNG developers operate precludes the Trump administration from acting unilaterally to increase the competitiveness of U.S. LNG in the global market. Industry commercialization means that governments could take equity stakes in fewer future projects, and federal subsidies for U.S. LNG are unlikely. Market liberalization is a double-edged sword for U.S. LNG developers—as the market becomes more competitive resulting in cheaper LNG closer to large Asian demand centers, some second wave U.S. sellers could struggle to achieve LNG price netbacks necessary to sustain profitability, potentially putting export volumes at risk. Even though the United States is in large part responsible for increased global competition and market liberalization, how competitive U.S. LNG shipments will be in this new market remains to be seen. The problem is sufficiently thorny that old fashioned ideas of the Texas Railroad Commission restoring production quotas is making the rounds in some natural gas circles. This is unlikely to help given the plethora of other available resources to meet demand worldwide. While the Trump administration has limited options to boost future U.S. LNG volumes directly, an early end to the U.S.-China trade war would certainly mitigate some of the risks to current project development. U.S. LNG export sales would definitely be hit by any slowdown in Asian economies. And, U.S. LNG developers are still hoping there will be a rebound in LNG exports to China once a trade deal could be settled. The president’s team have also courted potential other customers for U.S. LNG but ultimately market forces and geographical price arbitrage between various destinations will determine demand for U.S. natural gas globally. Workers dependent on energy and agricultural trade in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico states, particularly Louisiana, are already facing economic hardship from the trade war. The longer the Trump administration continues to escalate trade tensions with China, the greater the risk for the U.S. LNG industry.
Energy and Climate Policy
Electricity as Coercion: Is There a Risk of Strategic Denial of Service?
This guest post is co-authored by Joshua Busby, associate professor of public affairs at the Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the LBJ School at the University of Texas at Austin, Sarang Shidore, a visiting scholar at the LBJ School at the University of Texas at Austin, and Morgan Bazilian, director of the Payne Institute and a professor of public policy at the Colorado School of Mines. Increasing interconnection of electricity systems both within and between countries has much promise to help support clean energy power systems of the future. If the sun isn’t shining or wind isn’t blowing in one place, an electricity grid with high voltage transmission lines can move electricity to where it is needed. This shared infrastructure and increased trade can possibly serve as a basis for peace between neighbors in conflict, but it may also serve as a tool of coercion if the electricity can be cut off by one party. Cross-border trade in electricity is currently dominated by Europe – 90% of the $5.6bn electricity trade market happens there, but in the future increased trade in electricity, particularly in Asia, is set to grow dramatically. The boldest proposal comes from the Chinese organization GEIDCO which has, with the backing of the State Grid Corporation of China (which reportedly has over 1 million employees), promoted regional and even global grid integration. On the one hand, such grid integration could foster greater interdependence in conflict zones and facilitate more shared interests. But there is another concern, what we call a strategic denial of service. This would be a form of what Farrell and Newman refer to as “weaponized interdependence,” a situation where one country uses a shared relationship asymmetrically to extract political concessions from another party. Emerging economies China is providing ample financial support for electricity and energy initiatives through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). As much as two thirds of BRI projects, worth some $50 billion, has been invested in the energy sector. Some observers have already raised concerns about what China’s overtures in this space might mean for its neighbors. Phillip Cornell, writing for the Atlantic Council, warned that despite the benefits of grid integration: "Even if local grids are independently operated, deep interconnection means that supply and demand will increasingly be      matched across the super-grid, making them more interdependent. It may be managed by 'international rules and operation code' as Liu [Zhenya, GEIDCO's chairman] insists, but those will be defined by a regional authority where China is bound to have major influence." The scope for cross-border trade in electricity isn’t only Chinese-led. Even as India has been trying to integrate its domestic grid through what it calls green energy corridors, the country is also supplying electricity to some of its neighbors. India already exports some 660MW to Bangladesh, and Indian firms are building power plants which could meet as much as 25% of Bangladesh’s electricity needs. While India is currently supplying power to Nepal, Nepal has the potential capacity to supply hydroelectric power to India. Nepal and Bangladesh are also considering electricity trade through the intermediate Indian network. Hydro plants in the Mekong Delta from Laos already supply electricity to neighboring Thailand, making it its top source of foreign exchange. Other projects include CASA 1000, a proposed power line to link the Kyrgyz Republic and Tajikistan as well as an interconnection linking a hydro power station in Malaysia’s Sarawak to West Kalimantan that should diminish Indonesia’s dependence on imported oil. Can electricity be used coercively? Can a state use electricity as a coercive tool like the way Russia has used natural gas? Is this technically possible? What are the limits? In the case of gas, you have a product that can be physically stored for periods of time, whereas electricity is a much more ephemeral product that, absent viable storage at scale, is lost as waste heat if not transmitted to end users. Though a breakthrough in storage might take away some of the urgency of the threat of service denial, it wouldn’t remove it in the event of a prolonged outage. Technically, the process of denial of electricity service is not all that difficult. Shutting down power service across a transmission system is just a matter of operations control (in the absence of good governance, power markets, contracts, etc. that are all in place to avoid disconnection of service). It can be done virtually instantaneously to disconnect power from any node on the system. Think of “rolling blackouts or brownouts” when different parts of a service area are shut down for various technical or economic reasons. Curtailing electricity to another country is potentially costly for the coercer. Curtailing electricity transmission to a neighbor does mean foregoing payments for the electricity (provided the neighbor was paying their bills). But, it could be one that states will use to generate benefits such as higher rates of payment for electricity or, more broadly, to extract concessions on other matters of political importance. For some energy sources like hydro power, the water has other potential uses. This could enhance the attractiveness of using service denial as a coercive tool since the owner of the hydro could presumably monetize its water in another way. A state might try to insulate its vulnerability to service denial through widespread conservation or building in extra reserve capacity, but in some settings and seasons, demand reduction might not be so easy to achieve. A country might be able to find alternative sources of electricity either from other neighbors or by powering up more expensive domestic sources of generation, though those arrangements could take time or prove much more costly than the existing cross-border arrangement. The flipside of denial of service would be demand curtailment, which a state might pursue if it was attempting to punish a neighboring electricity supplier by reducing its revenues.  Has this been done? During the Cold War, the Soviet Union was able to maintain dominance over Eastern and Central Europe by tying their energy supplies to the Soviet energy grid, reducing their scope for independent action. Though privatization in the early years of the break-up of the Soviet Union provided these countries with more independence, Gazprom made a conscious effort to acquire assets back under Russian control, sometimes under commercial conditions that could be construed as coercive, particularly in the natural gas space. Baltic states and Poland remained tethered to the Russian electricity grid. It was not until 2018 that Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland completed an agreement to decouple from Russia and transition to the EU grid by 2025 at the cost of $1.2 billion. Fears of potential Russian service denials helped them overcome remaining obstacles. There have also been some examples in the post-Cold War era of denial of service and other forms of coercion related to integrated grids and interdependence. In July 2018, Iran cut off a portion of power to Iraq over unpaid fees in the midst of a summer a heat wave. While this may have merely been to ensure Iraq paid its balance, other states have employed similar tactics for more expansive purposes. In February 2019, the Trump Administration threatened secondary sanctions on Iraq to discourage its purchase of imported Iranian electricity and natural gas. Here, the service denial is not by the generator but by an influential third-party who has its own political axe to grind with the Iranians. In June 2019, the United States provided Iraq with a temporary four-month sanctions waiver to allow Iraq to get through the summer by importing products from Iran, lest the country experience a wave of unrest as it did in 2018 when Iran cut the power.  In May 2019, the United States and the Maduro government in Venezuela clashed over the rightful ruler of the country. Before and after the departure of Venezuela’s diplomats, left-wing U.S. protesters occupied the Venezuela embassy in Washington, D.C. to prevent supporters of the opposition Juan Guaidó from seizing the embassy. In the midst of the dispute, the power to the embassy was cut off by the electricity provider PEPCO, raising questions about political involvement by the Trump administration. If we think of the embassy as sovereign territory of Venezuela, this would qualify as a case of cross-border service denial and speaks to the potential vulnerability of other such enclaves such as military bases that may depend upon electricity grids of host countries. In July 2016, Turkey temporarily cut power to the major US airbase in Incirlik in the wake of the coup attempt against President Erdoğan, underscoring these concerns about base vulnerability. Cyber-security experts have also raised the prospect of denial of service by hackers who might be able to penetrate an electricity grid and take it off line. Given that communications, transport, and health care infrastructure all rely on electricity, the cascading effects of such an outage could have far-reaching consequences. If carried out by shadowy non-state actors, it might also be harder to attribute responsibility to a state actor. In December 2015, in the first known instance, Russian hackers were able to briefly take off line three Ukrainian distribution companies. Which states might deploy this strategy? We are more likely to see strategic denial of service where markets and contracts give private actors limited legal recourse in the event of supply disruptions. Moreover, strategic denial of service may be more common where there are large power asymmetries between neighbors, particularly but not limited to non-democracies. The more powerful state can use the size of its military apparatus or economy as additional leverage to extract concessions. In our view, we are less likely to see a poorer, smaller country like Nepal or Lesotho try to deny electricity to a more powerful neighbor, given the risks of reprisals. Similarly, in the event of demand curtailment, we might see powerful states use this tactic against neighbors that are highly reliant on electricity export revenue. As Farrell and Newman argue, those that control central nodes are likely to possess asymmetric power at key chokepoints: “Specifically, states with political authority over the central nodes in the international networked structures through which money, goods, and information travel are uniquely positioned to impose costs on others.” In a bilateral sense, a small chokepoint would be the ability for one country to deny service to one downstream power importer, but if a single actor exercises control upstream over the entire transmission network, that would provide them with asymmetric power over a wider group of actors. If no state controls a single node but several states together control electricity exports, that would require the kind of collective action that is less likely to occur in most regions of the world. In the event that the ambitious Desertec project moves forward, a study of the scope for North African countries to use renewable energy denial to Europe concluded that it was unlikely to succeed unless all five exporter countries curtailed service. Authoritarian countries may use this tactic more than democracies. In authoritarian governments, private actors may have less arms-length relationships with the government and thus be susceptible to pressure to cut off service to foreign countries. However, powerful democratic countries may also use this tactic against adversaries and non-democracies. Outside the electricity space, we have even seen the United States try to use its control of SWIFT banking system to coerce other democracies to avoid trade with Iran. In the electricity arena, it is less clear when democracies might use denial of electricity as a tactic. That said, if the U.S. government did in fact have a role behind the scenes in cutting off power to the Venezuelan embassy, this would be an example. As countries seek to balance their electricity needs to have the cheapest, greenest source of power when they need it, they may become both importers and exporters of energy. This may reduce the temptation for a state to unilaterally cut off electricity to its neighbor, lest the whole cooperative relationship fall apart. However, in a world of increasing concerns about sovereignty, we may see fewer of these interconnections to start with, absent confidence building measures and institutions. Can this tactic be prevented? To reduce the risks of coercive actions in cross border electricity trade, regional governance treaties and related multinational institutions should be created to oversee the implementation of agreements for the grid's operation. This could be akin to a neutral regional grid operator that has representation from all countries. ASEAN, for example, is helping develop the regulatory framework as the ASEAN Power Grid is built and knits countries together. OLADE -- the Organización de Energia Latinoamerica – is seeking to play a similar role in Latin America. Ideally, markets, contracts, and legal forms of dispute resolution would also help ensure that politically motivated service denials do not happen, but market mechanisms on their own are unlikely to establish confidence in grid integration across borders. Regional institutions remain an important means of regulating the trade, along the lines of transborder water governance that Lucia De Stefano and collaborators write about in terms of institutions to apportion water, deal with shocks, and carry out dispute resolution. Chinese acquisition of electricity assets in Portugal, Greece, and Italy have led Europeans to raise questions about whether existing forums for transmission operators such as ENTSO-E ought to be elevated to a regulatory body. Other regions are likely to be even less coordinated in terms of regulatory oversight. As Cornell points out, the vision for GEIDCO from the founder is one of decentralized, technical administration like the internet, without central control, but that actually betrays how the internet is subject to national level suppression as we have seen in countries like China with the Great Firewall. Other new Chinese-led institutions like the AIIB are subject to multilateral oversight, suggesting a governance model that might attenuate some of these concerns. In the absence of institutions to guard against politically motivated service denials, countries will remain disconnected or even seek to decouple their systems from neighbors deemed too risky. In much of the electricity space where the potential is largely untapped, it would mean foregoing many of the benefits associated with integrated grids. Poorer, weaker countries needing power might have few options and accept the Faustian bargain that puts them at the mercies of more powerful neighbors. At a moment when our collective emissions of greenhouse gases already have tied us together in mutual vulnerability to climate change, it would be a shame if joint efforts to address the problem got caught up in the return of great power politics.  
  • China
    Fossil Fuel Free: A Plan to Phase Out China’s ICEVs
    This is a guest post by Lucy Best and Michael Collins, research associates for Asia studies at the Council on Foreign Relations. The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET), a leading U.S. and China based think tank focusing on Chinese environmental policy, published a report in May 2019 detailing the structure and feasibility of China’s ambitious goal to phase out internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) in favor of new energy vehicles (NEVs) by 2050. The report is part of a larger project launched by the National Resource Defense Council (NRDC) and Energy Foundation China in partnership with the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). The project aims to reduce China’s oil consumption and improve its energy security through the development of renewable energy alternatives. Any Chinese domestic move away from ICEVs would reverberate across global auto and oil markets. China is the world’s largest market for vehicle supply and demand. In 2018, the country’s annual production and sales volume reached thirty million units and total ownership exceeded two hundred million units. China surpassed the United States as the world’s largest crude oil importer in 2017, and was projected to import over seventy percent of its total crude oil in 2018. Automobiles accounted for 42 percent of China’s total oil consumption and over 80 percent of its total refined oil consumption. These factors demonstrate the massive shifts the recommendations in this report would require, both within China and abroad, and the huge implications for automakers and oil exporters. Motivations for ICEV Phase Out The report mentions multiple motivations for China to phase out ICEVs. One factor behind this policy direction is the technological dominance China would achieve should it become a leader in an auto industry increasingly projected to embrace green technology. In recent years, companies such as Tesla and BYD have built their reputations on electric technology, and electric vehicles are expected to spike in production by 2030. As the report itself states, China has the world’s largest car market, and thus can promote changes in the global auto market through its domestic regulations. Chinese President Xi Jinping himself has stated that developing NEV capacity compliments other efforts to improve China’s industrial strength. China currently is not a dominant player in the global auto industry; thus, the country has every incentive to push new technologies and production methods while they have time to build capacity and expertise in these developing markets. In demonstrating a path forward that accounts for anticipated trends in fuel efficiency and energy availability, the iCET report provides and advocates for a roadmap for Chinese predominance in both the domestic and international auto industries. Furthermore, given the number of people in China whose livelihoods depend on automobile access, it is strategic for policymakers and politicians alike to consider the best mechanisms to become more self-sufficient in this industry. Another reason behind the ICEV ban policy is that the anticipated decrease in fossil fuel use from NEVs would improve Chinese energy security. China’s oil demand drastically outpaces its domestic production ability. The country has been a crude oil net-importer since 1996 and has progressed from importing about two million barrels of oil per day in 2004 to over eight million per day in 2017. These trends continued in 2018 despite increasing trade tensions with the United States and Iran, demonstrating the strength of China’s oil reliance. New energy vehicles rely on non-oil resources that are more abundant domestically. Although electricity sources such as coal conflict with public health goals, China has a rich coal supply. Furthermore, Chinese investments in solar power, natural gas, hydropower, and biofuels all can help power increasingly energy efficient and non-combustive vehicle engines in a less environmentally destructive way. Given energy reliance’s adverse effects on Beijing’s pursuit of its own goals, it serves Chinese strategic interests to invest in products that use renewable energy that it can produce independently from geopolitical tides. The final motivation for ICEV phase out is this policy’s public health and environmental benefits. Promoting NEVs is compatible with preexisting Chinese policies, such as the "Blue Sky War" – an initiative that aims to protect the environment and public health. One of the most important elements measured in the air quality index (AQI) is PM2.5, a particulate matter that originates from combustion engine exhaust and carries severe health consequences for prolonged exposure. This is particularly true among young children, the elderly, and otherwise sensitive groups. One 2018 report found that 1.6 million Chinese people die prematurely due to air pollution each year, a trend largely reflected in incidences of cancer and cardio-respiratory diseases. The combustion process also produces ground-level ozone, a compound that inhibits plant growth, leading to massive inefficiencies in China’s agricultural sector. iCET's Proposed Strategy Unlike previous technological leapfrogging in China, transitioning from ICEVs will require a slower approach. Phasing out ICEVs in any country is a tremendous challenge. For China, the task is further complicated by the large disparity in economic development between its underdeveloped Western, Southern, and Northeast regions and the developed Eastern coastal region where major cities like Beijing or Shanghai, municipal governments have already begun to limit ICEV sales and encourage NEV purchases through subsidies or preferential traffic policies. In the past, China has piloted large reforms in a handful of small regions before nation-wide implementation. To account for regional disparities in economic development and the disruption caused by transitioning from ICEVs, the report suggests the Chinese government use a multi-tiered phase-out plan. Under this proposal, cities are divided into four tiers based on economic development and severity of the region’s environmental degradation (See Figure 1). Leading the transition are tier one and two areas including cities like Beijing and Shanghai as well as capital cities like Xi’an in China’s “Blue Sky War” regions which are some of the most polluted in the country. Tier three and four areas include much of the country’s Northeast and Western regions such as Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, and Tibet which are heavily reliant on coal and economically underdeveloped. The report also divides vehicles into five classes: public passenger vehicles; privately owned passenger vehicles; municipal service vehicles; coaches and intercity light freight vehicles; and medium and heavy freight vehicles (See Figure 2). Passenger vehicles and municipal service vehicles will transition from ICEVs first followed by medium and heavy freight vehicles and coaches. In the next two decades, ICEV use might increase as China’s hinterlands develop. However, the report predicts that ICEV withdrawal will come close to completion by 2050. Implications of ICEV Phase Out The report’s plan carries important implications for global markets concerning both cars and the components necessary to support them. One consideration is that China’s peak oil consumption – and the world’s – will come earlier than anticipated. A study from researchers at Stanford University predicts that peak demand for conventional oil will occur in 2035, whereas less traditional liquid inputs will remain popular until 2070. Either way, both peaks will come earlier if China changes course away from ICEVs and deemphasizes one of its economy’s most petroleum-dependent sectors. Along with this trend, the rare earth metals that comprise components for electric vehicles will increase in value should electric cars become mainstream in China. Elements such as nickel, lithium, lead, and cobalt are essential for the batteries in HEVs, PHEVs, and electric vehicles in general. Whereas economies reliant on oil sales will experience downturn, those with the raw resources for electric vehicle battery components will see a surge in activity. While these economies already are aware of these commodities’ anticipated values, this spike in value will occur sooner than projected should China advance its NEV technology according to iCET’s plan. For example, 49 percent of global lithium production in 2015 occurred in South America, positioning this market it particular to have advantages in a less oil-dependent future. Along these lines, widespread NEV production implies that actors in Chinese industry would become more interested in economies that already have capacity to produce battery components. Therefore, China would become more interested in metal producing countries like Argentina, Chile, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, while also deemphasizing the importance of oil exporting nations such as Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia in its foreign policy. Furthermore, Chinese involvement overseas has the potential to compound the previously listed effects and broaden the plan's applicability outside of China. Initiatives like the BRI allow China to shape not only its own development, but also that of other countries. Although China’s sheer size allows it to shape the global market regardless, its economic reach provides an even more direct mechanism to expand its export market and promote global ICEV phase out should leaders in Beijing be inclined to this report’s suggestions. On a larger scale, the potential for Chinese ICEV phase out in favor of more sustainable alternatives speaks to the global challenge of resource scarcity heading forward. Should the suggestions in this report materialize as policy, China would be providing an example of how to avoid relying on one of the more scarcity prone elements in the global supply chain. Consequentially, if countries like the United States cannot demonstrate that their policies provide more abundant resources and a better way of life, other countries will be inclined to cooperate with China given its system’s ability to deliver. Obstacles to Implementation The study concludes by outlining potential risks and problems China might encounter during the transition from ICEVs to NEVs. These problems can broadly be split into three categories related to policy limitations, resource scarcity, and infrastructure inadequacy. In terms of policy limitations, the study encourages Chinese policy makers to clearly outline a ban schedule on ICEVs by setting up a cross-province and cross-industry committee to understand domestic and international impacts of the ban. Currently, Chinese priorities for transitioning to NEVs remain unclear to both producers and regulators, leading to implementation confusion on the ground. To avoid uncertainty going forward, the report suggests that policy makers should clarify regulatory documents to clearly state goals and expectations. Additionally, the government should implement policies to provide unemployment support for ICEV employees and bankruptcy protection for ICEV companies. The authors go on to outline several concerning resource scarcities that might impact continued development and production of NEVs. The first problem is a scarcity of rare earth metals. Currently, China’s cobalt demand accounts for more than half of the world’s total. Nickel and lithium are also identified as potentially scarce materials. The report advises Chinese leaders to open new rare earth supply chains as well as improve battery recycling utility to prevent supply disruptions. Finally, the report acknowledges several infrastructural problems that hamper the transition from ICEVs to NEVs. China’s electric charging infrastructure is not capable of meeting the demand of daily use of electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. This deficiency is partly due to an overall lack of charging stations across the country. In areas with charging stations, they are often inconveniently or illogically located. Even if stations were adequately constructed, China’s power grid is currently incapable of supporting the needed energy demand. According to the NRDC, China’s peak energy load will increase by 62 percent in 2020 and 58 percent in 2030. NEV charging during peak load hours will further strain an already struggling grid. The report advises policy makers to incorporate solutions to these infrastructural problems in future NEV transition policies. Other disruptive technologies, especially autonomous vehicles, will profoundly influence any transition plans. While the report briefly touches on such technologies, the authors are uncertain of their effect on ICEV phase out. Regardless, the iCET report offers a comprehensive plan for Chinese policy makers to follow in restructuring the world’s largest auto market.
  • Iran
    Hormuz and Oil: The Global Problem of a Global Market
    Oil is a global commodity where prices adjust to a supply disruption in one place across all locations, no matter country or location where the problem started. To help people understand what that means, I like to use the analogy of a swimming pool. If one takes a giant bucket of water out of the deep end of a swimming pool, it affects the water level for the entire pool, not just the deep end. The larger the bucket, the more swimmers will notice changes in the water level throughout the entire pool. The upshot of this global nature to oil is that freedom of movement of oil through the Strait of Hormuz is a global problem. Countries might think that maintaining “good” relations with Iran might mean their ships won’t get attacked, but it is not truly relevant. If anyone’s ships are attacked, the oil disruption that could ensue will affect all oil importing countries. The International Energy Agency (IEA) was formed out of an understanding of this notion of the global nature of the oil market. Emergency stock releases need to be coordinated because if one country releases strategic stocks and other countries hoard oil instead, the net supply gain to markets can be cancelled out, hence coordinated stock release policy is advantageous. IEA announced this week that it is prepared to act if oil flows are disrupted from the Middle East. Iran may feel it is getting an upper hand by showing it has been wronged and is a nation to be reckoned with. The problem is Tehran is also showing the world what a problem it could become if it actually had nuclear weapons capability. This week, governments from the U.K. to Germany and to Japan will have to decide how much force to apply to protect oil shipments in their vessels and flag ships. But what if Iran were a nuclear power? The calculus would be quite different. The bargaining process for conflicts where parties have access to missiles with nuclear warheads is altered. Nuclear weapons add additional risk on the party that desires to change the status quo. One can expect the cost is higher for third parties who would want to intervene in regional conflicts. A future nuclear-armed Iranian declaration that only the oil Tehran dictates will be allowed to transit the Strait of Hormuz would present an even more complex situation than today’s geopolitical challenge of sanctions and shipping. The military problem of protecting shipping would become more dangerous and potentially require a military campaign to destroy any active Iranian nuclear warheads before engaging conventional Iranian forces that are blocking free transit of the Strait. The history of nuclear deterrence theory suggests Iran would never use a nuclear weapon, even if it had one because of the extreme consequence of enormous loss from a second strike. But the possibility of internal political instability can in itself alter a bargaining process. One might have imagined Iran would not have taken such a decisive act against British vessels for fear of attack by the North American Treaty Organization alliance. NATO did, after all, intervene in Libya in 2011 under a situation perhaps less clear than blockage of an international waterway.  That leads me to question whether Iran may have overplayed its hand. Now that the strategic risk of a nuclear-Iran is so much more transparent, would Europe still feel it can afford to provide nuclear technical assistance to Iran including equipment under the terms of the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)? China must also see the detriment to itself of a nuclear-armed Iran. It’s easy to facilely link the escalation of tensions with Iran on the Trump administration’s “maximum pressure” campaign, which has disturbed an already tense status quo but now thoughtful analysis needs to be made regarding what the current situation has taught about the war-ready nature of factions within the Iranian government. Some lessons are relevant to future diplomatic solution-building regardless of how we got here. The reality is that conflicts involving Iran throughout the Mideast proceeded – and in some cases escalated- even after the JPCOA took hold. The opportunity that signing the nuclear deal would moderate Iran’s foreign policy regarding regional conflicts and assassination plots in Europe was unrealized, even before the Trump administration reversed the U.S. commitment to the JCPOA. As Europe moves forward in trying to fashion a solution, Iran (and Russia) will need to consider the changing nature of the global oil business. Iran has to concern itself with the future geopolitics of stranded oil assets. Removing itself now from oil and gas commodity markets and direct foreign investment opportunities at this pivotal time in oil’s potentially declining future might have long lasting negative consequences for its energy industry. Moreover, any military exchange that raises oil prices sharply could become the impetus that the West and China needs to accelerate the shift to low carbon energy more decisively. Such a result would reverberate in Moscow whose natural gas giant Gazprom is already struggling against a rise in renewable energy in Europe. China, which has never participated in a large global oil supply cutoff as a giant oil importer (it was self-sufficient in energy in 1973, 1979, and 1990), may also need to educate itself about the consequences of having one fifth of its oil supply have to traverse the Strait of Hormuz. China has more to lose from a poor outcome between the West and Iran than the West does given its lesser dependence on Middle East oil. Tehran may decide that its resistance economy is good enough for regime survival and choose the path of continued confrontation. That would be a tragedy for the entire region and present a serious challenge for the United States. The makeshift response to allow Britain to protect its own shipping calls into question whether the U.S. could abdicate (either on purpose or by accident) its vital superpower naval role which regulates sea lanes and, in effect, facilitates global trade. The consequences of the U.S. withdrawing from such a role is unthinkable for all concerned, even for the Chinese, who may seem to object to U.S. ships in the South China Sea, but, in reality, free ride off of U.S. air and naval power in so many aspects of their economic life. China should be careful what it wishes for. The Trump administration must avoid reconsidering this critical naval role nonchalantly. It is central to the United States’ global authority.  Just the appearance of U.S. hesitation about that role could invite unwanted seafaring military incursions and piracy across the globe. If Iran decides that conflict is better to regime survival than concession, the Trump administration’s lack of a well thought-through, implementable strategy regarding Iran will become an even larger problem. Oil markets will increasingly lose their imperviousness to risk as more speculators bid oil prices up. Regional allies could also become more insecure. All this means that now would be a good time to move away from ideological bents and study up on years of U.S. military gaming exercises regarding the Strait of Hormuz. The U.S. military has years of study and knowledge to fashion and lead an effective international coalition for diplomacy and deterrence in the Strait of Hormuz. It should use it.