
Energy Realpolitik

Amy Myers Jaffe delves into the underlying forces shaping global energy.

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U.S. President Donald Trump appears before workers at Cameron LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Export Facility in Hackberry, Louisiana, U.S., May 14, 2019.
U.S. President Donald Trump appears before workers at Cameron LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Export Facility in Hackberry, Louisiana, U.S., May 14, 2019. REUTERS/Leah Millis

U.S. Natural Gas: Once Full of Promise, Now in Retreat

This is a guest post by Gabriela Hasaj, Research Associate to the Military Fellowship Program at the Council on Foreign Relations. Tessa Schreiber, intern for Energy and U.S. Foreign Policy at the Council on Foreign Relations, contributed to this blog post. Read More

Saudi Arabia
Oil Prices and the U.S. Economy: Reading the Tea Leaves of the Trump Tweet on OPEC
During his visit to the United States, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman inopportunely noted in an interview with Reuters news service that Saudi Arabia was “working on moving from a model agreement [for oil collaboration with Russia] for a year to a longer term—10-20 years.” In fairness to the Saudi leader, he could have imagined that the oil market stability implied by a long lasting oil deal with Moscow would be welcome news to the White House, whose energy dominance policy (and many U.S. jobs) depends on the economic success of the American shale boom. After all, the goal of a permanent oil alliance with Russia would be to eliminate the costly boom and bust cycle in oil that both destabilizes Saudi Arabia and underpins the historical cycle of global financial crises.  But last week when the details of what continued OPEC-Russian cooperation on oil could look like emerged, that is, oil prices nearing $80 a barrel or even $100, President Trump took to Twitter to make clear his view. “Looks like OPEC is at it again…” the President tweeted. “Oil prices are artificially Very High! No good and will not be accepted!”  Significantly, the President’s tweet did not come in the immediate aftermath of the Crown Prince’s interview with Reuters on decadal oil agreements with Russia or even after private indications of the Crown Prince’s hope that oil prices would rise to $80 a barrel to help along his initial public offering (IPO) of Saudi Aramco. The backdrop to the President’s first tweet about OPEC came as OPEC and non-OPEC ministers began their scheduled meeting in Jeddah amid overly ambitious statements about lofty oil price goals. Saudi oil minister Khalid al-Falih, in particular, galled some long time oil commentators by declaring, “I haven’t seen any impact on demand with current prices,” and added for emphasis that the world has more “capacity” for higher oil prices given declines in the energy intensity of global economic growth. The minister’s comment echoed similar Saudi statements made in 2006 just before the economically crippling rise in oil prices to $147 a barrel. Highly respected Bloomberg oil strategist Julian Lee's article with a chart showing that history was tweeted out with the apt twitter caption: “Down in Saudi Amnesia, They’re partying like it’s 2008.”  As often with President Trump’s tweeting, it has put forth a firestorm of commentary reading between the lines. Let’s break such speculation down, idea by idea. First is the issue that the White House was probably working on the assumption that his U.S. tour had convinced the Crown Prince to delay his IPO plan. The IPO has been an albatross around the neck of Saudi oil policy, which the White House might think needs greater maneuverability. That’s on top of the fact that $100 oil isn’t a solution to the problem of marketing 5 percent of the Saudi state oil firm. Markets would certainly not believe $100 was sustainable, even if that price could be reached again briefly. Such high prices even worry the U.S. shale industry. “We are going to lose demand. It’s going to move more toward alternative energy,” was how Scott Sheffield, chairman of the board of shale powerhouse Pioneer Natural Resources characterized $70 or $80 oil in response to a question from the moderator of an energy conference panel last Thursday.  Secondly, in constructing his OPEC tweet, the President could have been thinking about the important series of decisions that are on the U.S. president’s agenda for May, any one of which could affect oil markets. Most important, the United States is due in May to decide whether to take steps that would effectively re-impose oil sanctions against Iran. Historically, the Saudis have strategically increased oil production ahead of U.S. undertakings that might be a risk to oil market stability. Notably, they offered that courtesy to President Obama back when stronger sanctions were being mooted on Iran to pressure Tehran to accept negotiations towards a nuclear deal. Washington is also considering additional punitive measures against Venezuelan leader Nicolas Maduro, who has dismantled democracy and fostered a domestic humanitarian crisis through failed economic policies. Saudi Arabia has been mum on increasing production, should Venezuela's oil production problems get worse. If President Trump typed in his tweet just after his morning intelligence briefing, he could also have been thinking about the lack of wisdom for Saudi Arabia to be tightening the global oil market against the backdrop of the escalating Saudi military campaign against Iranian backed, Yemeni militias, which has increasingly put regional oil and gas facilities and trade routes at risk to asymmetric warfare. Saudi defenses recently foiled a Houthi drone that threatened the Saudi oil refinery at Jizan.  But there is no question that President Trump is aware that important U.S. geopolitical decisions that could affect oil prices are coming in the month of May, the kickoff to the U.S. summer driving season. The anti-OPEC tweet was presumably popular with the President’s base who care deeply about gasoline prices. That begs the question: Would a return to relatively high oil prices still hurt the U.S. economy? The answer is yes, but like many things, it’s complicated.  Energy economist James Hamilton, who is among the most cited academics on the subject of oil price shocks and the U.S. economy, noted in a pivotal 2009 paper that the high oil prices of 2007-2008 had significant effects on overall consumption spending and especially on purchases of domestic automobiles. With Detroit increasingly offering U.S. consumers high profit margin, gas-guzzling SUVs, high oil prices could be problematical for American car makers. Hamilton concluded that the 2007-2008 period of high oil prices can be added to “the list of recessions to which oil prices appear to have made a material contribution.” Along similar lines, economists at Deutsche Bank are forecasting that higher gasoline prices would erode the financial benefits low-income households gained from the tax cuts.  The other problem with rising oil prices is that they can create a deterioration in consumer sentiment, by signaling the possibility of economic slowdown or crisis. Research shows that there is a significant negative correlation between gasoline price increases and perceptions of individual well-being in the United States. With U.S. mid-term elections around the corner, Republicans could find it tougher to sell the President’s economic agenda in a sharply rising gasoline price environment.  Economic research from the U.S. Federal Reserve shows a more nuanced picture for oil prices in recent years, as the shale boom has been found as a driver to increased employment across many regions of the United States (Decker, McCollum, Upton Jr.) Fed economists have also touted improving energy efficiency and better monetary policy as an important factor that will inhibit negative economic effects from rising oil prices. But so far, the recent oil price rise has been gradual and has yet to hit tipping point levels that have, in past times affected consumer driving behavior.   If OPEC doesn’t heed the U.S. President’s call for more moderate intervention in oil markets, President Trump has several policy options at his disposal that go beyond twitter. The U.S. administration could opt to “loan” heavy oil from the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve to specific U.S. refiners to protect them from any loss of supply from the deteriorating situation in Venezuela or the imposition of sanctions. Such a policy could be beneficial in two ways, by at least temporarily shielding American consumers from worsening supply problems in Venezuela and by replacing at the margin a similar quality of oil that has not been forthcoming from Saudi Arabia. It would also give the president political gains as being proactive on the domestic gasoline front, something several of his predecessors have done in similar circumstances.  More controversially, President Trump could choose to accommodate French President Emmanuel Macron by delaying a decision on Iran beyond May, waiting instead for the next decision juncture, which will come in July. Such a decision could be justified as giving European allies time to try to “fix” the Iran deal, before a final decision is taken whether to scupper it. That would also give the administration time to test whether it could press for a political fix to de-escalate the conflict in Yemen, leaving open a possible incentive for Tehran for cooperating. But any broader Mideast negotiation will invite Russian interference, which will be hard to counter without some assistance from U.S. Gulf allies who might leverage their close relations with Moscow on oil – hence yet another reason that President Trump’s tweet was strategically well-timed.         
Pompeo, the Iran Deal, and the Asymmetric Proxy War
U.S. Secretary of State nominee Mike Pompeo said yesterday at his Senate confirmation hearings that he would actively try to “fix” the Iran deal, working with U.S. allies to “achieve a better outcome and a better deal.” The oil market didn’t appear to believe he would succeed. While Pompeo was laying out his views, Brent prices topped $72 a barrel amid reports that there had been an unsuccessful drone strike on Saudi Aramco’s Jizan refinery in southwest Saudi Arabia. The foiled drone attack by Yemeni Houthi rebels was unnerving for two oil-related reasons. Firstly, it was yet another indication that the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran in the region was both escalating and continuing to target oil related facilities. Secondly, and perhaps even more disturbingly, it was a sign that “asymmetric warfare” posed a greater threat to oil than could have been previously understood. Increasingly, there has been evidence that sub-national groups can build make-shift drones that can deliver payloads into hard to reach targets. The Jizan refinery attack was the first time a makeshift drone attack has been widely reported to have targeted an oil facility. The drone onslaught follows a serious cyber breach that has plagued a commercial safety system used in oil refineries. Both means of warfare pose serious risks not only to the Saudi oil industry but to Western and other regional facilities as well, upping the ante on a host of conflicts that involve Iran.  The United States is due in May to decide whether to take steps that would effectively re-impose oil sanctions against Iran. During his visit to Washington, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman lobbied the Trump administration to reopen the Iranian nuclear deal and pressure Iran for better terms that would ensure Iran never obtains nuclear weapons, rather than the publicly announced terms which reduces the number of Iran’s centrifuges and limits the level of uranium enrichment to 3.67 percent, far below weapons grade, for fifteen years. Under the nuclear deal, Iran is tasked to remove the core of its heavy-water reactor at Arak, capable of producing spent fuel that can yield plutonium.  Last month, European leaders were sounding out the possibility that fresh sanctions be imposed on Iran aimed to moderate the country’s ballistic missile program and its role in regional conflicts in a manner they hope would maintain the Iran nuclear deal. Saudi Arabia is likely to oppose that approach. The Saudi diplomatic message regarding the Iran deal could put the kingdom under pressure to offer to replace Iranian oil that would be lost to buyers, should a re-imposition of oil sanctions against Iran become necessary. Saudi Arabia has failed to act to replace declining Venezuelan oil production, as it could have done in past decades, preferring rather to replenish depleting financial resources by tapping higher oil prices. That has led to divisions within the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on what could constitute too high an oil price that would begin to harm oil demand.  Rather than talk publicly about replacing any “sanctioned” barrels, Saudi Arabia has been pushing a plan to have “decadal” cooperation with Russia regarding oil prices. Saudi leaders would like to structure a long lasting agreement that could eliminate the debilitating cyclical swings in oil prices. But it remains unclear how that would be accomplished, short of coordinating investment rates for most of global oil production capital spending, as was tried (also relatively unsuccessfully) by the Seven Sister oil companies back in the post-World War II era. One alternative suggestion, said to be a non-starter among fellow OPEC members, would be to return to the fixed oil price system of the 1970s. That system was undermined when OPEC members were forced to cheat behind each other’s backs using non-transparent, complex price discounting schemes such as barter deals, secretive tanker freight discounts, and extended credit terms to ensure their oil wasn’t replaced by sales by producers offering spot market related pricing.  The appointment of more hawkish foreign policy members to the Trump administration's national security team has already affected Tehran, which has had increased difficulty marketing its oil in recent weeks and is now offering additional discounts to sway buyers who are worried about the effects of future sanctions policy. European companies are considering contingency plans, and Japan reportedly curtailed its oil imports from Iran in March. Some loss of Iranian volume is probably built in to current price levels, but the geopolitical ramifications of escalating conflicts could create more uncertainty in oil markets.  At this particular juncture, from the U.S. point of view, the oil aspect of Iranian sanctions policy could be more tangential compared to concerns about Iran’s role in the various Mideast regional conflicts. The United States has tried to counsel Saudi Arabia to find a way to deescalate the conflict in Yemen but so far, little progress has been made. The United States also would like to fashion a Syria strategy that limits Iran’s role in the Levant. One lever in that process is that neither Russia, Turkey, or Iran are in a financial position to pay for Syria’s reconstruction, creating a possible starting point to assert influence by the United States and its allies. Commentator Hassan al-Hassan argues that now is the ideal time for the United States to make a strong response to test whether the current facts on the ground render President Bashar al-Assad as suddenly more dispensable to his own supporters. He suggests whatever actions the United States takes be designed to force parties to abandon the military option. U.S. sanctions moves that recently cratered $12 billion in the wealth of Kremlin insiders and hampered their ability to work with large commodity traders were a step in the right direction.    
Are Trade Wars Bad for U.S. Energy Dominance?
Years ago, Wanda Jablonski, the famous energy journalist and newsletter publisher, gave me an important piece of professional advice. Be careful how many conflicts you take on at one time.  Wanda’s admonition was intended to instruct me about how to be effective within the complex oil politics of the Middle East. But lately, I have been reminded of her wise counsel as I read the news. The Trump administration should heed her words in deliberating on the vast array of trade and oil sanctions issues that need to be considered by the White House. While it is true that chances are any individual policy that could affect oil and gas trade can be accommodated easily by markets, it could be a different calculation to impose multiple policies all at once. Oil markets are watching closely all of the various energy related trade and sanctions policies on the table. Right now, any tightening of oil sanctions against Iran are viewed as the most impactful upside market risk, with the U.S.-China trade war swinging sentiment in the opposite direction.    U.S. oil and gas exports are on the rise and that has been good for the United States geopolitically. U.S. energy exports help promote American influence while at the same time reducing the U.S. trade deficit. So far this year, U.S. energy exports have exceeded expectations and that is paving the way for some beneficial outcomes. Besides serving as a bulwark against Russian manipulation and Mideast supply disruptions, greater availability of U.S. oil and gas could make it easier to convince European countries they can afford to agree to renewed sanctions on Iran. They also up the pressure on Russia’s oligarchs by potentially shrinking the pie they have to split. One could even argue that rising U.S. shale production is playing a role in convincing Saudi Arabia’s new leaders to institute needed social and economic reforms by creating uncertainty about long run oil prices. In another example, high U.S. oil refinery exports are replacing lost Venezuelan refined products. This could pave the way for United States regional diplomacy, should it make greater efforts, to gain more support within the Organization of American States (OAS) to isolate the Maduro government, which is no longer in a position to provide finance or free oil to Caribbean and Central American countries. Right now, OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro has expressed support for a case against Venezuela’s leader Nicolas Maduro for “crimes against humanity” before the international criminal court in the Hague. Perhaps in time, as the lingering effect of Venezuela’s defunct Petrocaribe oil aid program fades however, OAS could be able to reach a majority decision to declare foul on Venezuela’s actions to dismantle its democracy and thereby strengthen diplomatic pressure on Caracas.  The United States should add stronger diplomatic effort in this direction, before it resorts to unilateral oil sanctions on Venezuela. Banning sales of U.S. tight oil to Venezuela should be used as a last resort measure only. That’s because the whole concept of U.S. energy “dominance” is based on the diplomatic gain that comes from the U.S. reputation as a pivotal free market oil and gas supplier that would never cut off another nation. Albeit Venezuela could be considered a situation that is sui generis given the humanitarian suffering of the Venezuelan people, but some international backing from OAS or the United Nations would give the United States better standing with other buyers for imposing restrictions on U.S. tight oil exports to Caracas. The United States is well positioned to leverage that fact that U.S. exports of refined products are supplying Latin America and the Caribbean in the face of the decimation of the Venezuelan refining industry, which was rumored last month to be about to indefinitely shutter three of the country’s four largest refinery complexes.      In addition to mooting sanctions against Venezuela, the United States is due in May to decide whether to take steps that would effectively re-impose oil sanctions against Iran. During his visit to Washington, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman lobbied the Trump administration to reopen the Iranian nuclear deal and pressure Iran for better terms that would ensure Iran never obtains nuclear weapons, rather than the announced terms which reduces the number of Iran’s centrifuges and limit the level of uranium enrichment to 3.67 percent, far below weapons grade, for 15 years. Under the deal, Iran is tasked to remove the core of its heavy-water reactor at Arak, capable of producing spent fuel that can yield plutonium. The Saudi crown prince told the New York Times that “Delaying it and watching them getting that bomb, that means you are waiting for the bullet to reach your head.” Last month, European leaders were sounding out the possibility that fresh sanctions be imposed on Iran aimed to moderate the country’s ballistic missile program and its role in regional conflicts in a manner they hope would maintain the Iran nuclear deal. Saudi Arabia is likely to oppose that approach and the Saudi diplomatic strategy regarding Iran could press the kingdom to offer to replace Iranian oil that would be lost to buyers during any re-imposition of oil sanctions against Iran. Iran has had increased difficulty marketing its oil in recent weeks, offering additional discounts to sway buyers who are worried about the effects of future sanctions policy. European companies are considering contingency plans, and Japan reportedly curtailed its oil imports from Iran in March.  Any U.S. moves on Iran will have to be taken in the context of the desire to take similar moves against Venezuela, which like Iran exports heavy crude oil (in contrast with rising U.S. production, which is of a different lighter quality). The U.S. strategic petroleum reserve has some heavy crude oil stored in its caverns. Worst comes to worst, a loan to a particular U.S. refiner hard hit by sanctions could be made.  The U.S.-China trade negotiations are yet another backdrop to U.S. energy issues to consider. As a recent Citi brief to clients notes on the latter, it is “clear that energy specific trade with China continues to improve in the U.S. favor.” The bank’s rough estimate is that the U.S.-China net oil export balance rose from +$2.8 billion in 2016 to +$8.2 billion last year and could reach $11 billion in 2018 if January trends can be sustained. This trade has implications for the direction of the U.S.-China trade balance that will need to be kept in mind by the Trump trade team.  But the complexities go beyond oil, U.S. exports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) are also finding a profitable opportunity window in the global market based on higher than anticipated demand from China, South Korea, and Taiwan, aided by economic growth and new policies aimed to reduce coal use and fight air pollution across Asia.  As it accelerated its policies to promote coal-to-gas switching, China’s LNG imports rose almost 50 percent in 2017 and have continued to be strong this winter, including purchases of six cargoes via the U.S. LNG export terminal at Sabine Pass. South Korea surpassed Mexico as the largest buyer of U.S. LNG in the first quarter of 2018, and a boost in the long run appetite from South Korea for LNG is expected, given President Moon Jae-in’s pledge to curb use of coal and nuclear in favor of cleaner, cheaper renewables and natural gas.  In other words, growing U.S. LNG exports intersect with several ongoing trade negotiations, namely with China, Mexico, and South Korea. S&P Global Platts is forecasting U.S. LNG exports to increase by 8.1 billion cubic feet per day (bcf/d) by 2020 and another 4.9 bcf/d by 2025, a factor that needs to be considered in trade negotiations. Sales to Mexico are particularly important for the Permian Basin, where excess natural gas is already being flared at high levels.    China’s threat to impose a 25 percent additional tariff on U.S. propane (which is an important component of the liquefied petroleum gas or LPG used in Asia as a residential heating and cooking fuel and as a feedstock to China’s growing petrochemical industry) won’t affect U.S. propane producers all that much. That’s because the largely fungible commodity will be sold elsewhere, with rising supply from Iran and Australia likely to replace the U.S. LPG in China, along with other Middle East supplies. As that shift takes place, U.S. sellers will shift to non-Chinese buyers.  The bottom line is that markets will likely still rebalance in the wake of turmoil created in the coming weeks from any disruptive new trade and sanctions policies, leaving it a little less clear whether prices are facing headwinds or tailwinds. For U.S. energy dominance, it could also be a mixed bag, with commercial availability of U.S. oil and gas only part of the equation. As the upcoming events could show, even fully free market oriented production can face a geopolitical context in a world in disarray.    
  • Saudi Arabia
    Thirty Years of U.S. Arms Sales to Middle East Endogenous to Unstable Oil Prices, Research Shows
    As the White House hosts Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman today, policy makers need to be reminded that any new arms sales across the Middle East could become part of a repeating pernicious cycle that could lay the seeds to the next big oil crisis. That’s an important conclusion of my new economics and policy paper published today with co-author Rice economics professor Mahmoud El-Gamal in the academic journal Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy (EEEP). Bin Salman kicked off the preliminary public relations for his current trip with an important and serious interview aired on the American TV news magazine 60 Minutes, in which he noted “Saudi Arabia doesn’t want to own a nuclear bomb. But without a doubt, if Iran develops a nuclear bomb, we will follow suit as soon as possible.” While Saudi Arabia and the United States share a common view that Iran is a destabilizing force the region, the United States has been resistant to Saudi lobbying that standards for a U.S.-Saudi nuclear deal should not ban enrichment of uranium. Westinghouse and a consortium of U.S. companies are discussing a bid for the multi-billion tender to build civilian nuclear reactors in the kingdom in competition with China. Coincidentally, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) tweeted today that the United States needs to “modernize our nuclear weapons arsenal, continue to address the environmental legacy that the Cold War programs, further advance domestic energy production, better protect our energy infrastructure, and accelerate our exascale computing capacity,” noting that nuclear deterrence is a core part of the DOE mission.” In our EEEP article, we argue that geopolitical events that are often considered exogenous to the debt-driven financial boom and bust global economic cycle are part of an endogenous and self-perpetuating meta-cycle, linked by high petrodollar recycling during periods of high oil prices that typically accompany high economic growth periods, like the one seen in the early 2010s. Petrodollar recycling takes many forms, including rising military spending and buildups. El-Gamal offers a theoretical model that explains why an oil exporting country could be “incentivized” to time its military activism during periods of oil price slumps, with the coincident effect of boosting national revenues, thus converting military capital into civilian capital. A significant part of Arab countries’ military equipment (and Russia’s) used in recent conflicts was accumulated during oil boom years following the Iraqi invasion (2003-2007) and during the Arab Spring uprising (2011-2013). Last year escalations in conflict across the Middle East from Yemen to Northern Iraq helped raise the price of oil on the heels of the major down cycle of 2014-2015. The paper using discrete wavelet analysis of oil production at the country level to demonstrate that military conflicts that destroy production installations or disrupt oil transportation networks are the “most significant antecedents of sustained long term disruptions in oil supply.” The paper recommends that “rather than increase arms sales as rentier states seek to externalize their problems, major economies such as the United States, China, Japan and Europe multilaterally and through international agencies should encourage the acceleration of economic reforms such as those proposed by the Saudi Crown Prince. Forty years of military buildups have failed to bring peace and economic prosperity to the Middle East. While it is unlikely that the Middle East oil exporters will intentionally escalate regional proxy wars in a manner that leads to the destruction of oil facilities, the nature of war can be irrational and unpredictable, hence explaining the return of the geopolitical risk premium to the price of oil. The hedge fund community, which trades in oil, has so far appeared relatively unconvinced by announcement of economic reforms in Saudi Arabia. It has also been skeptical of the success of the Iranian nuclear deal. Meanwhile, the oil industries of Syria and Yemen have been decimated by recent geopolitical conflicts. A similar fate befell Iraq and Iran during their eight-year war, our research shows. In light of this self-perpetuating cycle, industrialized governments would benefit from revisiting coordination mechanisms for use of strategic stocks, including discussions with Saudi officials currently visiting for how the United States could respond (in conjunction with Saudi Arabia?) to further deterioration of Venezuela’s oil industry. The United States imported just over 500,000 barrels per day (b/d) of Saudi crude oil last fall, the lowest level since May 1987 and down from 1.5 million b/d a decade ago. The kingdom is now the fourth supplier after Canada, Mexico and Iraq. The drop reflects more than rising U.S. production since Saudi Arabia and Venezuela supply a heavier grade of crude oil used by coker units that economically upgrade poorer quality crudes into light products like naphtha and gasoil. Rising tight oil production is a lighter grade of crude oil less desirable for coker units of the U.S. gulf coast. In years past, the U.S.-Saudi security partnership has included coordination of responses to sudden changes in global oil supply, including strategies that involved targeting Russia when lower oil prices were needed to send a firm message of geopolitical deterrence. The question is with the current Saudi-Russian oil bromance and the United States itself now an oil exporter, is this critical element to the U.S.-Saudi relationship still viable?
  • Saudi Arabia
    IPO Politics and the Saudi U.S. Visit
    This post is co-written by Jareer Elass, an energy analyst who has covered the Gulf and OPEC for 25 years. He is a regular contributor to the Arab Weekly. This week, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman begins his two-and-a-half week-long visit to the United States—including a March 20 White House meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump. Top of the Saudi agenda will be to further cement close political ties between the three-year-old regime of Saudi King Salman Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud and the Trump administration. That could be harder than it looks if President Trump brings up a request for Saudi Arabian financial support in Syria. Russia has also been publicly out hat in hand to the EU on Syria while behind the scenes trying to shake down Saudi money for Syria as part of its oil collaboration with Riyadh. Saudi Arabia is unlikely to support any peace process on Syria that sustains strong Iranian influence. Beyond the geopolitical, the crown prince is focused on the Saudi economy and wants to bring American business to Saudi Arabia. Regardless of how these complex topics play out, there’s no doubt that the young Saudi leader will have to be in public relations mode. Crown Prince Mohammed has already kicked off his trip with a long interview aired on the American TV news magazine 60 Minutes, in which he controversially indicated Saudi Arabia’s willingness to enter the nuclear arms race alongside chief rival Iran. The subject will be a tricky one: while Saudi Arabia and the United States share a common view that Iran is a destabilizing force in the region, the U.S. has been resistant to Saudi lobbying that standards for a U.S.-Saudi nuclear deal should allow either reprocessing spent fuel or enrichment of uranium. Washington Post columnist David Ignatius’s suggestion that Saudi Arabia try to cozy up to the United States by suspending its oil deal with the Russians to punish Russian leader Vladimir Putin for a recent string of unacceptable actions is also fraught with peril. That's because Putin could similarly be thinking that falling oil prices would hurt Saudi Arabia’s stability more than his own. The kingdom is vulnerable on the oil price front both due to domestic economic pressures and to lofty oil price levels needed to support the Aramco IPO valuation process. Analysts calculate that a sustained oil price around $70 a barrel is needed for the kingdom to hit valuation targets for the IPO consistent with the $2 trillion valuation used in announcing the plan. Raising the stakes, the Saudi crown prince’s visit to the United States follows a similar tour recently led by the Saudi foreign minister that failed to convince potential American investors that the current and future political climate in the kingdom is not a risky one. The tepid response from U.S. institutional investors during the road show makes the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) increasingly unlikely to be favored as a final choice for the foreign bourse to be selected by the Saudi regime for the Aramco IPO. It has also made the timing of the listing murkier, thereby lengthening the time line for how long Saudi Arabia could need its cooperative oil arrangement with Russia to last. The Saudi case for the durability of its own political stability was shaken by reports in the New York Times last week of the Saudi government using “coercion” to wrangle billions of dollars’ worth of assets from targeted prominent Saudis, including members of the royal family. The report made clear that the campaign of intimidation against individuals who have been singled out for their alleged corruption is continuing, raising questions about the Saudi government’s end game. There have been several constants in what the Saudi government has said over the last two years about its intent to sell a stake in Saudi Aramco. When the IPO was first announced, it was said to involve a sale of up to 5 percent of the state firm, with a listing on the Saudi stock exchange as well as on one or more foreign bourses. According to the crown prince, Saudi Aramco’s valuation could be appraised at more than $2 trillion, with the Saudi government collecting as much as $100 billion from the limited sale. The Saudi regime has grappled with choosing an appropriate foreign listing from the outset amid concerns about the leading exchanges under contention—the NYSE and the London Stock Exchange (LSE)—and the fact that the stated valuation of 5 percent of Saudi Aramco could be hard to achieve. Meanwhile, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has estimated that an average $70 a barrel is what the kingdom would need to balance its 2018 budget, though it has endorsed the kingdom’s decision to delay achieving a balanced budget until 2023 in an effort to avoid economic damage as Riyadh slows its pace on implementing fiscal reforms. Industry experts have been skeptical of the official projected valuation of the state oil firm, and indeed, by some accounts, the math doesn’t appear to work in Saudi Arabia’s favor, unless oil prices rise significantly and other criteria are met. Moreover, the kingdom’s new $70 a barrel price goal, which seems linked to the Saudi IPO conundrum, has divided members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), some of whom have been saying too high a rise in oil prices could be deleterious to OPEC’s future. Iran has publicly stated its preference for prices at around $60 a barrel because it believes that $70 could backfire on the group, prompting U.S. shale companies to bump up their output and a long run weakening of demand for oil, resulting in an uncontrolled collapse in future oil prices. The crown prince’s London visit has fueled rising speculation in recent months that the IPO would be delayed beyond 2018. Oil Minister Khalid Al-Falih in a March 8 interview referred to a 2018 deadline for conducting the IPO as an “artificial deadline”, noting that the “anchor market will be the Tadawul exchange” but emphasized that the kingdom has the necessary fiscal and regulatory framework in place for Saudi Aramco to be listed this year. Falih has also suggested that his government saw major issues associated with choosing the NYSE for a foreign listing of Saudi Aramco shares, saying that “…litigation and liability are a big concern in the U.S. Quite frankly, Saudi Aramco is too big and too important for the Kingdom to be subjected to that kind of risk” While Falih pointed to New York City’s decision earlier this year to sue five major oil firms over the “existential threat of climate change” as a concern, the Saudi government is equally worried about the ability of families of 9/11 victims to sue the Saudi government under the “Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism” Act that was passed by the U.S. Congress in September 2016. During his London trip, the Saudi oil minister praised the LSE, saying that, “The London stock exchange is one of the best in the world, it is well-regulated and we respect it.” But, floating Saudi Aramco shares on the LSE is not without controversy. The U.K.’s chief financial regulatory body came under fire in the spring of 2017 when it recommended easing LSE rules to allow state-owned companies like Saudi Aramco to qualify for premium listing without being subject to the strictest corporate governance rules. The Hong Kong exchange could be a convenient compromise for the Saudi government in its pick for a foreign bourse on which to list Saudi Aramco shares. And then there is also talk of the Saudi government forgoing an IPO entirely and favoring a private sale to strategic investors, or a combination of a listing on the Tadawul and a private sale. This would be beneficial if the Saudi regime believed it was going to fall far short of the $2 trillion valuation and of course, it would free the kingdom from having to be overly transparent about its finances and operations as required by some foreign exchanges. But U.S. officials have argued that a private placement with Chinese firms would not provide many of the structural benefits that come from undertaking a public listing. It would be surprising if the Saudi government failed to float Saudi Aramco shares on the Tadawul, given how the public expects to participate in the IPO and the desire for Riyadh to help build the Saudi exchange into the premier bourse in the region. But, one of the biggest concerns about a Saudi Aramco listing on the Saudi exchange is the lack of liquidity due to the Tadawul’s size. The Saudi exchange is small compared to major foreign bourses—with a market capitalization of around $470 billion and 171 listed companies, a stark contrast to the scale of the NYSE, which has a capitalization of $21 trillion and more than 2,000 listed companies. Tadawul officials have been preparing for the listing and have even recommended the Saudi exchange be the sole bourse for the Saudi Aramco sale. But, there is real concern that the Tadawul will not be able to absorb up to 5 percent of Saudi Aramco shares on offer, and that a large sale could cause much volatility on the domestic exchange, with the potential for investors to shed other company stocks rapidly to raise funds as they buy up Saudi Aramco shares. In fact, according to a recent report from the Energy Intelligence Group, the Saudi regime is reportedly calling on members of the royal family and wealthy Saudi businessmen to commit to injecting new funds into the Tadawul and to purchasing Saudi Aramco shares in a drive to prevent a destabilization of the domestic stock market when the IPO is launched on the local exchange. The Saudi Aramco IPO is the linchpin of the crown prince’s ambitious economic revamping program known as Saudi Vision 2030. Proceeds from the sale are to be directed to the kingdom’s sovereign wealth fund, the Public Investment Fund, which in turn will make investments designed to move the kingdom away from being an oil-driven economy. Though the Saudi regime has made progress on some economic reforms, the Saudi Vision 2030’s agenda to fundamentally transform the kingdom’s economy greatly depends upon the success of the limited sale of Saudi Aramco. That has injected a certain level of inflexibility into the kingdom’s oil policy that makes any talk of Saudi oil cooperation with the United States against Russia a lower probability course of action than it was in the past.