
Asia Unbound

CFR fellows and other experts assess the latest issues emerging in Asia today.

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Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko
Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko Reuters

The LDP Leadership Race: Six More Join, a Field of Nine

September has brought six more candidates to the race, creating the largest field of candidates in the party’s history. Read More

Pakistan’s Opposition Leader Imran Khan is Jailed As Election Looms
The suppression of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his party has enabled the Pakistani military to reassert control over the country’s politics.
Marcos Jr. Moves the Philippines Dramatically Closer to the United States
Unlike other Southeast Asian leaders, President Marcos Jr. has chosen to explicitly align the Philippines with the United States and confront China more directly.
China’s Population Decline Continues
Unfounded assumptions about a future rebound in national fertility rates weaken Chinese policymakers' ability to properly address the challenges posed by rapid demographic change.
  • China
    Fickle Friends: Sino-Israeli Ties Buckle Amid War With Hamas
    China’s response to the war in Gaza has jeopardized its once fruitful relationship with Israel, a risk China is willing to take as it exploits the war to bolster its own standing and undermine the United States’s. 
  • China
    Totalism and State-Society Relations in China
    The distinction between totalitarianism and totalism offers valuable insights for China studies and the making of U.S. China policy.
  • South Korea
    China-Korea Relations: A Subdued Environment and Missed Opportunities
    Developments in China-South Korea and China-North Korea relations between September and December of 2023 indicate a reconfiguration of political and economic relationships resulting from deepening geostrategic rivalry. 
  • Pakistan
    Pakistan’s Lukewarm February Election—Just Another Sign of South and Southeast Asia’s Democratic Failure
    Ruling elites in South and Southeast Asia have stacked the electoral deck in their favor, hindering the chances of opposition parties.
  • Taiwan
    China Responds to Taiwan’s Presidential Election: Is Beijing Biding Its Time?
    China’s initial response to William Lai’s victory in Taiwan’s presidential election was relatively restrained but it will likely exert more pressure on Taiwan in the coming months. 
  • Taiwan
    Taiwan's Presidential Election Elicits Strong Response in Indo-Pacific
    The United States and its regional partners congratulated DPP candidate Lai Ching-Te on his electoral win, while close allies of China adhered to its stance on Taiwan.
  • China
    How One Port’s Struggle Reveals the Problems—and Promise—of Chinese Infrastructure Financing
    Chinese port financing has plenty of drawbacks. But developing countries have few alternatives.