
Asia Unbound

CFR fellows and other experts assess the latest issues emerging in Asia today.

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Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko
Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko Reuters

The LDP Leadership Race: Six More Join, a Field of Nine

September has brought six more candidates to the race, creating the largest field of candidates in the party’s history. Read More

Is a TikTok Ban Coming?
American lawmakers look increasingly willing to ban the popular app TikTok due to its parent company’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party.
Four More Things to Expect From a Prabowo Presidency
An anticipated Prabowo presidency poses many questions about Indonesia’s democratic future and global role.
Supply Chains
Coordinating U.S.-South Korean Approaches Toward Supply Chain Resiliency
The fifth workshop for the project on Bolstering U.S.-South Korean Cooperation to Meet the China Challenge examined how the United States and South Korea should strengthen policy coordination on supply chain resiliency. 
  • Indonesia
    Five Things to Expect from a Prabowo Presidency
    Prabowo Subianto was named the winner of the Indonesian presidential election. But it is unclear which version of Prabowo—the more moderate candidate from the campaign trail or the self-styled strongman—will govern Indonesia.
  • China
    China’s Marriage Rate Bounces Back After Covid—But Only Temporarily
    An uptick in the number of new marriages in 2023 is likely a only temporary blip rather than a long-term change from China's steady transition to a rapidly aging society.
  • South Korea
    The U.S. Election and South Korean Anxieties
    Today is my last day at CFR, which marks the conclusion of over fifteen years of contributions to Asia Unbound. My publications and contributions to CFR remain in archives on the website. 
  • Southeast Asia
    Southeast Asian States Struggle to Address the War in Gaza
    Southeast Asian responses to the ongoing Israel-Hamas war in Gaza have aligned with each country’s broader foreign policy stances.
  • Myanmar
    Myanmar’s Army is Collapsing: An Update
    As the Myanmar military faces a record level of defections, its control of the country looks increasingly tenuous.
  • India
    India Strives to Balance Interests in the Middle East
    As conflict intensifies in the Middle East, India's government attempts to juggle relations in the region.
  • Asia
    Taiwan’s 2024 Election Outcomes: Balancing Domestic Challenges and International Relations
    This blog post originated from a recent discussion by Professor Syaru Shirley Lin in the Winston Lord Roundtable Series on Asia, the Rule of Law, and U.S. Foreign Policy, where she debriefed the recent Taiwan elections.