
Asia Unbound

CFR fellows and other experts assess the latest issues emerging in Asia today.

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U.S. President Joe Biden, Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi hold a Quad meeting on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, May 20, 2023.
U.S. President Joe Biden, Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi hold a Quad meeting on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Hiroshima, Japan, May 20, 2023. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst

This Weekend’s Leaders Summit Brings Prospects for a More Sustainable and Useful Quad

At their upcoming summit in Delaware, the leaders of the four Quad countries have an opportunity to build on long-running efforts to transform the grouping into one that is more sustainable, practical, and welcomed in the Indo-Pacific. Read More

The Role of U.S.-China Competition in Global Health Aid
The United States and China are competing to offer health aid to nations in the South Pacific.
Assessing the Bolstered U.S.-Vietnam Relationship
President Biden's historic trip to Hanoi symbolizes growing shared interests between the United States and Vietnam.
Koike Yuriko: Tackling Gender Bias From the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Governor of Tokyo Koike Yuriko shares her thoughts on gender equality issues in Japan and how local government policy can make a difference.
  • Thailand
    Thailand: A Likely Deal is Completed, and the Establishment Wins
    The Pheu Thai party's initial days in office reveal the compromises it has made to attain power.
  • Japan
    Women’s Voices Project Pivots to Japan
    After a yearlong focus on India, the Women’s Voices from the Indo-Pacific Project now shifts to another important U.S. democratic partner, Japan. 
  • India
    What to Expect at India’s G20 Summit
    The G20 Leaders’ Summit presents host India with a risk and an opportunity as it seeks to balance geopolitical tensions while trying to bolster its role as a voice for the Global South.
  • Thailand
    Thailand's Summer of Political Uncertainty
    Despite strong support for democratic change in Thailand's national elections, the ruling establishment has maneuvered to preserve power.
  • Taiwan
    Taiwan Announced a Record Defense Budget: But Is It Enough to Deter China?
    While Taiwan has significantly increased its defense spending over the past seven years, it needs to invest more to deter China and prevent the military balance from shifting decisively in Beijing’s favor. 
  • Thailand
    Is There a Succession Crisis in the Thai Monarchy?
    A son of the king of Thailand made an unexpected return to Bangkok earlier this month, invigorating speculation of a looming succession crisis.
  • India
    Cooperation Between ASEAN and the Quad is Critical for Indo-Pacific Stability
    The strengths of ASEAN and the Quad complement rather than undermine each other. Their cooperation is essential for stability in the Indo-Pacific region.