
Asia Unbound

CFR fellows and other experts assess the latest issues emerging in Asia today.

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Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko
Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko Reuters

The LDP Leadership Race: Six More Join, a Field of Nine

September has brought six more candidates to the race, creating the largest field of candidates in the party’s history. Read More

China's Steady Retreat From Transparency
A pivot away from a decade-long effort at judicial transparency is the latest reflection of how China's information ecosystem is becoming even more of a black box.
Taiwan’s 2024 Presidential Election: Analyzing William Lai’s Foreign Policy Positions
William Lai’s priorities are bolstering Taiwan’s defenses and consolidating ties with democracies. China is unlikely to pursue dialogue with Lai and would instead increase pressure on Taiwan.
North Korea
Strengthening Human Rights-Centered Approaches Toward North Korea
In order for the United States and South Korea to strengthen their human rights-centered approach toward North Korea, key internal and external obstacles should be addressed. 
  • South Korea
    Seoul Has No Time to Dwell on Failed Busan Expo Bid
    Despite the setback in the 2030 World Expo bid, South Korea must maintain its focus on revitalizing Busan to enhance the city’s chances in a potential 2035 bid.
  • South Korea
    Forging A U.S.-South Korea Alliance Powered By Chips, Batteries, And Clean Technologies
    The envisaged scope and depth of U.S.-South Korean cooperation on next-generation critical and emerging technologies will tie the two countries together in unprecedented ways.
  • Vietnam
    Xi Jinping and Joe Biden Compete to Win Over Vietnam, the Region’s Critical Partner
    President Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam demonstrates China’s continued importance to the pivotal Southeast Asian nation.
  • Indo-Pacific
    How Washington’s Budget Fights Are Affecting Three Critical Pacific Island States
    Washington is in the process of concluding new agreements with the three Freely Associated States (FAS): the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.
  • South Korea
    Global Turmoil and Rising Tensions on the Korean Peninsula: The Need for a Vital U.S.-South Korea Alliance
    Escalating inter-Korean tensions might turn the Korean Peninsula into another international security flashpoint and a possible breaking point for global stability.
  • India
    Modi’s BharatNet Is Just a Bid for Reelection
    Modi’s prime ministerial pet project to expand Internet connectivity to rural India is more of an election campaign tool than a substantive effort to improve technological connectivity in rural India.
  • India
    Colonized Countries Rarely Ask for Redress Over Past Wrongs—The Reasons Can Be Complex
    Few former colonies officially press perpetrator states to redress past injustices, largely due to divergent narrative within victim states about how to view past colonial history.