

The swift fall of Kabul recalls the ignominious fall of Saigon in 1975. Beyond the local consequences—widespread reprisals, harsh repression of women and girls, and massive refugee flows—America’s strategic and moral failure in Afghanistan will reinforce questions about US reliability among friends and foes alike.
Aug 15, 2021
The swift fall of Kabul recalls the ignominious fall of Saigon in 1975. Beyond the local consequences—widespread reprisals, harsh repression of women and girls, and massive refugee flows—America’s strategic and moral failure in Afghanistan will reinforce questions about US reliability among friends and foes alike.
Aug 15, 2021
  • Afghanistan
    Taliban Talks, a Balancing Act
    The United States continues to pursue peace talks with Afghanistan’s Taliban as a means to secure stability. Bruce Riedel discusses the challenges faced by the administration, including its ongoing tensions with Pakistan.
  • Afghanistan
    Who Is Targeting Afghanistan’s Shia?
    Attacks on Shia Muslims in Afghanistan claimed by a Pakistani militant group are a disturbing omen -- for sectarian ties and the prospects for a peace deal with insurgents, says counterterrorism expert Brian Fishman.
  • Afghanistan
    How Afghanization Can Work
    What is the best way to stabilize Afghanistan at a time when international forces are scaling down commitments? Putting Afghan troops in the lead of their own counterinsurgency efforts, writes CFR’s Linda Robinson.
  • Afghanistan
    HBO History Makers Series with Stanley McChrystal
    The Home Box Office History Makers Series focuses particular attention on the contributions made by a prominent individual at a critical juncture in international relations. Recent speakers in the series include James D. Wolfensohn, Condoleezza Rice, and George Shultz.
  • Afghanistan
    HBO History Makers Series with Stanley A. McChrystal
    Stanley A. McChrystal, former commander of the United States and International Security Assistance Forces Afghanistan and Joint Special Operations Command's premier military counterterrorism force, discusses his experiences in Afghanistan. This meeting is part of the HBO History Makers series.
  • Afghanistan
    Looming Threat to Afghan Women’s Rights
    With the United States eager to withdraw from Afghanistan and reconciliation with the Taliban considered key to any peace process, Afghan women’s rights are once again in question, writes CFR’s Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.
  • Afghanistan
    Maternal Health in Afghanistan
    Overview In this Working Paper, Isobel Coleman and Gayle Tzemach Lemmon argue that continued U.S. investment in maternal health should be part of a responsible drawdown in Afghanistan. Through a host of interventions, the United States has already laid the critical building blocks to reduce Afghanistan's staggering maternal mortality ratio and the potential to further improve maternal health in Afghanistan in a cost-effective manner is considerable. Realizing these gains in coming years will produce myriad benefits, not only for public health, but also for women's empowerment, economic development, security, and stability. Maternal health investments save lives and are a cost-efficient way to improve the overall health of the country. Because health care is one of the few interactions that Afghan citizens have with their government, improving delivery of health-care services could be a stabilizing factor in a country that will continue to face severe security challenges from antigovernment forces. Maternal health also enjoys broad community support and has the added benefit of empowering women, an important dimension in a society in which biases against women still run strong and a resurgent Taliban threatens women's gains of recent years. Study Group Members Nasratullah Ansari, Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Linda A. Bartlett, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Susan Brock, USAID Afghanistan Denise Byrd, Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University Ibrahim Parvanta, CTS Global, Inc., assigned to the CDC Mary Ellen Stanton, U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Defense and Security
    A Conversation with Lindsey O. Graham
    Please join Senator Lindsey O. Graham to discuss his recent trip to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, as well as other foreign policy challenges including the evolving situations in Libya and Syria.
  • Defense and Security
    A Conversation with Lindsey O. Graham
    Senator Lindsey O. Graham discusses his recent trip to Afghanistan and Uzbekistan, the evolving situations in Libya and Syria, and other foreign policy challenges.
  • Afghanistan
    How Afghanistan Is Rebuilding Itself
    As concerns grow over Afghanistan’s ability to govern, USAID’s J. Alexander Thier discusses development successes and challenges, singling out infrastructure and energy as critical areas for investment.
  • Afghanistan
    Afghan Concerns over U.S. Staying Power
    As Washington and Kabul work toward a security arrangement post-2014, President Karzai’s aide Taj Ayubi says Washington’s wariness over signing a binding agreement have led to Afghan concerns over the long-term U.S. commitment to the country.
  • Afghanistan
    Making Sense of the Afghan Peace Dividend
    Scaling back the U.S. commitment in Afghanistan will yield a peace dividend, but only when Social Security and Medicare spending are controlled will the U.S. be able to refocus on domestic priorities, says CFR’S Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.